Policy commissions

ICC global policy commissions are specialised working bodies composed of business experts who examine major issues of interest to the business world. They prepare policy products, including statements to contribute to intergovernmental discussions, as well as rules and codes to facilitate international business transactions. Commission leaders are appointed by the ICC Chair for a three-year period, renewable for a second term at the Chair’s discretion.

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Global Policy Commissions

The Commission on Arbitration and ADR is ICC Disputes Resolution Services’ unique think tank and rule making body that provides thought leadership in the field of dispute resolution. It leverages the expertise of practitioners and members to raise awareness and understanding on the practical and legal issues in arbitration and ADR.   

To ensure that latest legislative and technological developments meet the evolving needs of practitioners and businesses everywhere, the commission leads the revisions to the range of rules for dispute resolution prior to their submission to the Executive Board for approval. 

In its research capacity, the commission proposes new policies and provides useful tools in the interest of efficient and cost-effective implementation of dispute resolution procedures. Carrying out specific projects in Task Force or Working Groups, the commission’s work results in concrete guidelines and practical reports on the legal, procedural and practicality of dispute resolution which are published in free booklets  and electronic format on the ICC website or in the ICC Bulletin.  

The commission’s Membership consists of Delegates appointed by national committees) as well as ICC Court Members and counts over 1,300 members from more than 100 countries comprising lawyers, in-house counsel, arbitrators, mediators, law professors and experts in various dispute resolution fields. 

The Commission meets, at least, twice each year to discuss and approve reports and guideliness

The  Commission’s steering committee, comprising the Chair and Vice-Chairs along with other representatives of ICC Dispute Resolution Services, meets regularly during the year to discuss and agree upon the overall action plan for the commission, including proposals to establish new task forces. 

The commission is a unique think tank for ICC Dispute Resolution Services. In its research capacity, the commission  produces reports,  toolkits and other guidance to innovate and promote efficient and cost-effective dispute resolution in view of the latest developments.  

Get in touch with the ICC Arbitration and ADR Commission: 


Chair Mélanie van Leeuwen
Derains & Gharavi (The Netherlands; based in Paris) 
 Vice-Chairs Babatunde Ajibade, SAN 
S. P. A. Ajibade & Co. (Nigeria; based in Lagos)

Philippe Cavalieros   
Simmons & Simmons (France; based in Paris)  

Payel Chatterjee   
Trilegal (India; based in Mumbai) 
José Ricardo Feris   
Squire Patton Boggs (Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Spain; based in Paris)  
Susanne Gropp-Stadler  
Siemens Mobility GmbH (Germany; based in Munich) 

Sapna Jhangiani QC 
Attorney-General’s Chambers, (Singapore; based in Singapore
Vladimir Khvalei 
Mansors (Russia; based in Moscow) 

Evelyne Patience Memphil 
Memphil Avocats – (Cameroon, France; based in Yaoundé and Paris) 
Caline Mouawad  
Chaffetz Lindsey (Lebanon, United States; based in New York) 

Aisha Nadar  
Advokatfirman Runeland (Egypt, United States; based in Stockholm) 
Karim J. Nassif  
Nassif Arbitration (Lebanon; based in Dubai) 

Helen Tang  
Herbert Smith Freehills (China; based in Shanghai) 

Debora Visconte 
Visconte Advogados (Brazil; based in São Paulo)   
Sharif Ali Zu’bi 
Ali Sharif Zu’bi Advocates & Legal Consultants (Jordan; based in Amman) 
Ex-officio MembersClaudia Salomon
President ICC Court
Alexander Fessas
Secretary General ICC Court 
Victoria Orlowski
President Standing Committee of ADR Centre
Eduardo Silva Romero
Chair ICC Institute of World Business Law
Dr Hélène van Lith
Secretary to the Commission

Task Force Disability Inclusion in International Arbitration

This Task Force aims to study and analyse the ways in which ICC can meet the needs of those in the international arbitration community who may need accommodations or changes for the way they work. Yas Banifatemi and Albert Jan van den Berg were named as the Task Force’s Awareness Ambassadors. 


  • Simon Maynard 
    King & Spalding (United Kingdom) 
  • Katherine Ramo 
    CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang (United Kingdom) 
  • Todd Weiler 
    Independent Arbitrator (Canada) 

Task Force on ADR and Arbitration 

This Task Force aims to assist in the efficient resolution of disputes for ICC users through the study and analysis of how different ICC ADR services are currently being used and the Task Force purpose is to find solutions in a post-COVID-19 world, including technology options when (1) assessing the most appropriate procedures when a dispute arises and (2) assisting users in building ADR procedures into their internal systems. 

The Task Force is structured into four areas of work: 

  • Disputes resolution protocols 
  • ADR services 
  • Settlements in arbitration 
  • National Courts and ADR 

The Task Force benefits from a consultative Advisory Board, which includes Gabrielle Kaufmann Kohler, Michael McIlwrath, Cyril Dumoulin, Edna Sussman and Hannah Tümpel. 


  • Chiann Bao 
    Independent Arbitrator (United States/Hong Kong) 
  • Christopher Newmark 
    Spenser Underhill Newmark (United Kingdom) 

Task Force Addressing Issues of Corruption in International Arbitration 

This Task Force aims to explore existing approaches to allegations or signs of corruption in disputes and articulate guidance for arbitral tribunals on how to deal with such occurrences. The Task Force benefits from close collaboration with the ICC Corporate Responsibility and Anti-Corruption Commission and  the International Bar Association (IBA).  


  • José Ricardo Feris 
    Squire Patton Boggs (France/Dominican Republic) 
  • Vladimir Khvalei 
    Mansors (Russia; based in Moscow) 
  • Sophie Nappert 
    3 Verulam Buildings Chambers (United Kingdom/Canada) 

The ICC Guide on National Rules of Procedure for Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Awards Pursuant to the New York Convention of 1958 

This guide is a practical resource for international arbitration practitioners and users.  First launched in 2008, it is designed to be consulted as a first step when considering recognition and enforcement of foreign awards in one or more countries and is regularly updated. The third edition of the guide   covers 85 countries.  

Commission mandate

To serve as a global forum and rule-making body for banks worldwide, with particular focus on the financing of international trade; and to help policymakers and standard setters create a regulatory framework that facilitates trade finance throughout the world.

Get in touch with the ICC Global Banking Commission:

Commission Chair Florian Witt
Managing Director Divisional Head, International Banking and Corporate Banking; Member of the Group Business Executive Committee, ODDO BHF (Germany)
Commission Vice-Chairs
Marilyn Blattner-Hoyle
Global Head Trade Finance, Director, Corporate Solutions, Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd (Switzerland)

Merlin Dowse
Executive Director – Trade & Working Capital, JP Morgan Chase (United States)

Marie-Laure Gastellu
Global Head of Trade, Société Générale (France)

Claudia Gomez Arseneault 
Global Head of Trade, Santander Corporate Investment Banking (Spain) 
Gerardo Gutierrez Olvera 
Executive Director, Trade Finance & International Business, Banorte (Mexico) 

Hariramchakraborthy Janakiraman
Head of Industry & Innovation, Transaction Banking, ANZ (Australia)

Andrew Kigira
Group Head of Trade Products, Equity Bank Ltd (Kenya)

Maria Jose Llabot
Head of International Department, Cordoba Bank (Argentina)

Samuel-John Mathew
Global Head of Flow & FI Trade, Standard Chartered (Singapore)

Caryn Pace-Messenger
Managing Director, Bank of America (United States)

Surath Sengupta
Head of Innovation and Transformation, Lloyds Banking Group (United Kingdom)

Bhriguraj Singh 
Chief Product Officer, Global Trade Solutions, HSBC (United Kingdom) 

Louise Taylor Digby
Managing Director Strategic Relations, SWIFT (Singapore)

Xu Jun
Deputy General Manager, Global Transaction Banking, Bank of China (China)
 Technical AdvisersDave Meynell 
Owner, TradeLC Advisory (United Kingdom)

Glenn Ransier 
Global Standby Letters of Credit and Demand Guarantee Product Manager Wells Fargo Bank (United States)

Jin Saibo 
Attorney at law – Beijing Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm (PR China)

Kim Sindberg 
Trade Finance Consultant, Sindberg Consult (Denmark)

Farideh Tazhibi
ICC Iran (Iran)

Gary Collyer (editor)
Collyer Consulting (United Kingdom)

Commission mandate
To set global business standards for international B2B transactions and provide world business input on commercial rules developed by intergovernmental organisations.

Get in touch with the ICC Global Commercial Law and Practice Commission

 ChairErcument Erdem
Erdem & Erdem (Turkey)
Vice-ChairGhada Darwish
Founder and Managing Partner
Ghada M. Darwish Law Firm

GAO Xiang
Executive Chairman of ICC China CLP Commission and Professor of Law
Centre of International Banking Law & Practice, CUPL

Valle Garcia de Novales
Founder and Partner
VG/N Asesoria Juridica para Comercio Exterior

Wale Olawoyin 
Managing Partner, Professor
Olawoyin + Olawoyin + Professor at University of Lagos 

Commission mandate

To ensure that business needs and markets are taken into account in the formulation and implementation of competition laws and policies.

Get in touch with the ICC Global Competition Commission:

ChairPaola Pugliese
Lefosse (Brazil)
Vice ChairsDina Kallay
Ericsson (United States)

Irene de Angelis
Intesa Sanpaolo (Italy)

Susan Ning
King Wood & Mallesons (China)

Alex Nourry
Clifford Chance (United Kingdom)
Regional Ambassadors to the ICC Global Competition Commission: Zhan Hao
Anjie Law Firm (China)

Yusuke Nakano
Anderson Mori & Tomotsune (Japan)
Task Forces:
Antitrust Compliance Policy Harmonization Co-Chairs Charlotte Breuvart
Jones Day (Belgium) 

Dan Roskis
Eversheds Sutherlands (France) 

Gordon Christian
Siemens Energy (Germany) 
Antitrust Damages Actions: Chair: Sarina Williams, Linklaters (United Kingdom)

Vice-Chairs: Joyce Honda, Cescon Barrieu (Brazil)
Carolin Marx, Hogan Lovells (Germany)
Victor Pavon Villamayor, Oxford Competition Economics (Mexico)
Daniel Jowell, Brick Court Chambers (United Kingdom) 
Competition and Digital Economy Co-Chairs:  Susan Ning
King & Wood Mallesons (China)

Mathew Heim
Amazon (United States)

Georg Boettcher
Siemens (Germany)

Yang Jianhui
Alibaba (China)

Alex Nourry
Clifford Chance (United Kingdom) 

Carel Maske
Microsoft (United States) 
Competition Policy and Sustainability Co-Chairs:Paola Pugliese Lefosse
Demarest (Brazil)

Simon Holmes Competition Appeals Tribunal (United Kingdom)
Marceline Tournier Nestlé (Switzerland) 
EU Horizontal Guidelines ChairAlex Nourry
Clifford Chance (United Kingdom)
International Trade and State AidChair: Patrick Hubert Orrick,  France
Eduardo Maia Cadete, Morais Leitão, Portugal 
Liu Cheng, King Wood & Mallesons, China  
Merger Control Co-ChairsFrançois Brunet
Avocat at the Paris Bar (France)

Irene de Angelis
Intesa Sanpaolo (Italy)

Gönenç Gürkaynak
ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law (Turkey)

Yusuke Nakano
Anderson Mori & Tomotsune (Japan)

Annie Herdman
Ropes & Gray (United Kingdom) 

Timothy Cornell
Clifford Chance (United States)
International Competition Network (ICN) Co-ChairsPatrick Hubert
Orrick (France)

Dina Kallay
Ericsson (United States)

Anne Riley
Antitrust Compliance and Ethics, Anne Riley Consulting (United Kingdom) 

Marcin Trepka
Partner, Baker McKenzie (Poland) 

Commission mandate

To develop policy recommendations and practical tools from a global business perspective on corporate responsibility and fighting corruption.

Get in touch with the ICC Global Anti-Corruption and Corporate Responsibility Commission

  • Viviane Schiavi, Global Policy Lead — Anticorruption and Corporate Responsibility 
ChairGonzalo Guzman 
Chief Counsel, Ethics & Compliance
Unilever (United Kingdom)
Vice-ChairsKaren Griffin  
Executive Vice-President, Chief Compliance Officer
Mastercard (United States)

Hema Lehocky 
Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, AFRY (Sweden)

Helena Prata 
Partner Angola Legal Circle Firm (Angola)

Daniel Rodrigez 
Partner CMS law firm (Colombia)

Louise Vytopil 
Senior Manager KPMG (The Netherlands)

Commission mandate

To promote simplified customs and transport policies and procedures as well as other measures to facilitate international trade.

Get in touch with the ICC Global Customs and Trade Facilitation Commission

ChairJohn Bescec
Director of Customs and Trade Affairs, Microsoft
Dr. Mahmut Kobal
Group Head of Customs and International Trade, Beiersdorf (Germany)

Dr. Segun Olugboyegun
CEO and Founder, JOF Nigeria Limited  (Nigeria)

Karen Poujade
Customs Director, Alstom (France)

Alejandro Terzián
Head of the Center of Excellence for International Trade and Customs Compliance, Bayer LATAM (Argentina)

Asako Shibata
Global Trade Compliance Manager, Asia, Bell Textron Co., Ltd (Japan)

Commission mandate

To promote the global development of the digital economy and continued growth of its underlying information and communication technologies (ICTs) and related business models, through private sector policy leadership, regulatory advocacy and the promotion of best practice.

Get in touch with the ICC Global Digital Economy Commission:

ChairRene Summer  
Director, Government and Policy Advocacy Group, Ericsson
Vice-ChairsEllen Blackler  
Vice President Global Public Policy, The Walt Disney Company

Peter Farrell  
Global Privacy Director, Unilever

Francois-Xavier de Rezende Martins  
Director, Government Relations and Public Policy, Mercado Libre

Deena Magnall  
Director for Global Digital and Technology Policy, L’Oréal

Juan Luis Redondo Maíllo  
Director of Digital Public Policy, Telefónica S.A.

Juntao Song
Secretary General of Alibaba Globalisation Office, Secretary General of eWTP, Alibaba Group

Commission mandate

To develop policy recommendations and tools to address major global environmental and energy issues, including climate change and green economy within the framework of sustainable development, and make a substantive contribution to key intergovernmental discussions in these areas.

Get in touch with the ICC Global Environment and Energy Commission:

ChairRob Cameron
Global Head of ESG Engagement, Nestle – Switzerland
Vice-ChairsKeyvan Macedo 
Sustainability Director Natura & Co

Julia Maris 
Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility Engie

Wendy J Miles QC 
Barrister Twenty Essex

Tom Smith 
Director, Global Government Affairs Walmart

Beth Burks
Director of Sustainable Finance, S&P Global Ratings

Kate Kallot
Founder & CEO, Amini

Alejandro De Keijser
Director of Energy and Sustainability, DEACERO Group

Jolene Lin
Director of the Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law

Commission mandate

To promote high ethical standards in marketing by business self-regulation through the Consolidated ICC Code of Advertising and Marketing Communications Practice and formulate world business positions and initiatives to address government actions that affect marketing and consumer protection.

Get in touch with the ICC Global Marketing and Advertising Commission:

ChairKristin Green 
Assistant General Counsel
Microsoft Corporation (United States)
Vice-ChairsLucas Boudet 
Director General, European Advertising Standards Alliance, Belgium

Maria Mossenberg 
Public & Corporate Affairs Director, L’Oreal, Sweden

Fayola Ferdinand
Director, Global Policy and Sustainability, Coca Cola, United States

Carla Michelotti 
Executive Board Member/President, International Advertising Association/BBB
National Programs, United States

Yetunde Agnes Adesina 
CEO, Prima Garnet Africa, Nigeria

Karolina Gutiez
Corporate Communications Senior Manager, Schneider Electric, Brazil

Alice Himsworth
Senior Counsel, Google, United States

Commission mandate

The commission serves as a global forum on all aspects of intellectual property and innovation policies, helping ICC represent the voice of business before policymakers and key institutions. The commission has a particular focus on promoting IP as a positive force for society, and helping businesses make better use of IP systems.

The commission’s flagship publication, the ICC intellectual Property Roadmap, is updated periodically and translated into several languages.

Get in touch with the ICC Global Commission on Intellectual Property

ChairVishal Amin 
Head of Intellectual Property Policy
Intel Corporation, United States
Vice-ChairBridget Petruczok 
IPR&L Policy and Advocacy
Ericsson, United States
Vice-Chair/Issue Rapporteurs Richard Pfohl 
Copyright Rapporteur General Counsel
Music Canada and CONNECT Music Licensing, Canada

Myrtha Hurtado Rivas 
Trademarks Rapporteur
General Counsel Brand and Marketing Properties, Licensing and Anti-Counterfeiting
Nestlé, Switzerland

Caterina Strippoli 
Patents Rapporteur
Head of Intellectual Property
Enel; Italy
Vice-Chair/Regional AmbassadorsAnand Shetty 
Regional Representative for India
General Manager Patent Group India
Unilever, India

Obianuju Otudor 
Regional Representative for Africa
Manager IP and Technology Law
MTN Group Nigeria, Nigeria

Oliver Hu
Regional Representative for China
GoldChain Technological Development, China
Sergio M. Ellmann 
Regional Representative for Latin America
Partner Marval, O’Farrell and Mairal, Argentina

Commission mandate

To promote transparent and non-discriminatory treatment of foreign investments and earnings that eliminates tax obstacles to cross-border trade and investment.

Get in touch with the ICC Global Taxation Commission:

  • Luisa Scarcella, Global Lead – Taxation & Trade • Global Policy
ChairJohn Connors
Group Tax Director, Vodafone, UK
Vice-ChairsRocío Bermúdez Becerra
Tax Global Practices & Transfer Pricing Senior Manager, Repsol, Spain

Linda Evans
Senior Director Global Tax Policy, IBM, ICC United States

Matthew Herrington
Partner and Head of International Tax for Corporates, KPMG, United Kingdom

Alejandro Machorro
Head of Tax, Mercado Libre Mexico, ICC Mexico

Thomas Quatrevalet
Deputy Group Head of Tax, Air Liquide, France

Tom Roesser
GM Tax Policy Counsel, Microsoft, United States

Veerinderjeet Singh
Non-Executive Chairman of Tricor Services, Malaysia

Stephanie Sweet
Senior Manager, International Tax Public Policy, Amazon, ICC United States

Commission mandate

To promote cross-border trade and investment by business and an open global economy to foster job creation, sustainable development, and improve living standards.

Get in touch with the ICC Global Trade and Investment Commission:

ChairSahra English 
Managing Director of Global Government Affairs, Citi (United States)
Vice-ChairsOlanrewaju Kola-Banjo
Deputy General Manager, Guaranty Trust Bank Limited (Nigeria)

Ricardo Ramirez Hernández  
Founder & Partner RRH Consultores, S.C., former WTO Appellate Body member (Mexico)

Keika Lee
Director of Regulatory Affairs, Ikea Group (Sweden)

Darryn Lim
APAC Head of Trade Policy & Competitiveness, Google (Singapore)