Amicable Dispute Resolution (ADR)

While every dispute differs in one way or another, they each have one common aim: to be resolved in the most effective and appropriate way possible. That’s why the ICC International Centre for ADR (Centre) offers a range of services that can be used separately, successively or even concurrently.

These services include mediation, expert appraisal and dispute boards. They also include DOCDEX (Documentary Instruments Dispute Resolution Expertise). 

The separation between the International Court of Arbitration and the Centre is intended to preserve the full confidentiality of mediation and arbitration proceedings—whether they are concurrent or not and if the parties do not wish the exchange of information. All ICC amicable dispute resolution solutions give parties a procedural framework for settling matters quickly, cordially and in the most cost-effective way possible. 

With a staff of experienced international lawyers, the Centre not only handles the settlement of disputes but also provides support in drafting dispute resolution clauses in accordance with ICC Rules. Whatever service or combination of services is required, it is important to include the most relevant dispute resolution clause in the contract or treaty. ICC provides a variety of model clauses exactly for this purpose. Parties are also able to draft their own as well. A properly drafted dispute resolution clause will help ensure that your preferences are respected when a dispute arises. Even if you do not include a clause in your contract, you can still agree on an ICC dispute resolution or avoidance mechanism later on. 

Most popular


When disputes related to trade finance instruments occur, ICC offers a specialised procedure that is confidential, quick and cost-effective called Documentary Instruments Dispute Resolution Expertise


Mediation is a flexible and consensual technique in which a neutral facilitator helps the parties reach a negotiated settlement of their dispute. The parties have control over the decision to settle and the terms of any agreement. Settlements are contractually binding and widely enforceable. 

Dispute Boards

Dispute boards are permanent panels set up to accompany the performance of a contract. They assist in avoiding or overcoming disagreements and disputes.

Cost & payment

The Claimant(s) must pay the Standard Fee covering the costs of DOCDEX proceedings upon a submission of the Claim. Respondent(s) are not required under the DOCDEX Rules to submit any payments in order to participate in the DOCDEX proceedings. 

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