Administration of experts proceedings

Filing a request

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Any request for the administration of expert proceedings shall be processed by the ICC International Centre for ADR (“the Centre”) only when it is based upon an agreement between the parties for the administration of expert proceedings by the Centre or when the Centre is otherwise satisfied that there is a sufficient basis for administering the proceedings.

The parties may, but are not obliged to, use the appropriate Form to file a Request for the administration of Expert proceedings (“Request”). Requesting Party(ies) should submit the appropriate Form to the ICC International Centre for ADR electronically and follow the instructions below.

The Form, currently available in English, can be obtained by sending an e-mail to

The Request must be accompanied by a payment of US$5,000 per expert or neutral to the International Chamber of Commerce. The payment must originate from the party to the case. Additional payment details are available here.

When sending the Request, please send to:

ICC International Centre for ADR
33-43 avenue du Président Wilson
75116 Paris

Tel.: +33 1 49 53 29 03
Fax: +33 1 86 26 67 49