WCF work
Our strategic plan for 2022-2025 is built around four priority pillars to strengthen the MSME business environment. Towards that end, WCF partners with leading corporations and multilateral organisations to build the capacity of chambers to have a positive impact where they operate.
Strategic priorities
Our 2022-2025 World Chambers Federation workplan focuses on two key objectives: (i) strengthening WCF as an ICC forum and (ii) providing relevant tools that support micro-, small- and medium-sized businesses in the achievement of the following priorities:
Our efforts aim to achieve greater gender equality by expanding opportunities for women in the business community. We do this by providing spaces and delivering tools that empower women, reduce the skills gap and contributes to a growing global network of successful women leaders.
Micro- small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are the backbone of most economies worldwide. Given the substantial contribution they make to job creation and global economic development, WCF highlights the imperitive of integrating smaller businesses into the global value chains. We do this by offering information and connection opportunities.
To narrow the digital gap many MSMEs are facing in this rapidly changing world, we place digitalisation at the core of our strategy by identifying the needs, instruments, and capabilities where they need further support . Thus, our mission is to promote knowledge and learnings on how they can seize the benefits of digitalisation, and how to thrive in a technological, innovative and data-driven culture.
Many companies are already recognising the big efficiency gains, innovation and reputation enhancement that come from being socially and environmentally responsible. That’s why we are helping SMEs take a proactive approach to putting corporate social responsibility and ESG at the core of their operations and to finding the right approach to help MSMEs take action that is good for the planet, good for business and good for their respective communities.
ICC WCF Regional Summits
A key priority for our World Chambers Federation is to further expand our global presence, influence and representation. Hosted by members of our global network, ICC World Chambers Federation Regional Summits enable us to achieve this by providing a regional platform for chambers to connect, learn and inspire.
Through awareness raising and capacity building initiatives around the four priority pillars of the World Chambers Federation work plan, the Regional Summits enable us to reach more MSMEs and positively impact their business.
World Chambers Federation Regional Summits will be held in different regions around the globe, co-hosted with a local chamber. Our aim is to further expand and engage our community of more than 1,200 chambers in discussions on global challenges and opportunities, including through a regional lens.
Chambers interested in receiving more information about hosting a WCF Regional Summit should contact the WCF Secretariat: wcf@iccwbo.org.
Chamber partnerships and initiatives
The World Chambers Federation plays a central role in helping organisations interact, engage and forge partnerships with the chamber of commerce community, aligning with the chamber of commerce mission to support the SME business community.
UN agencies, multilateral development organisations and leading corporations recognise the role of local chamber of commerce networks in strengthening and supporting member companies, and in turn the economies of the countries in which they operate.
WCF has forged several partnerships with a range of business and multilateral organisations. Such partnerships have helped put in place several initiatives to strengthen chambers in developing and emerging economies, promote chamber cooperation among chambers worldwide and develop their range of respective services.
Transnational chambers
A transnational chamber of commerce and industry is a group of chambers sharing a similar geographical region, economic grouping, culture or language. Transnational chambers can be found in most regions of the world.
More than 20 transnational chambers exist around the world, creating a regional grouping of chambers of commerce, associations and enterprises, covering regions as large as Africa, to smaller, diverse communities such as the Caribbean and ASEAN.
They are non-governmental organisations, cutting across borders and serving as a forum for promoting the vital role of businessmen in the region, increasing regional business interaction, and enhancing regional economic growth.
WCF manages ICC long standing partnerships with 10 transnational chambers, creating a vital partnership and an essential connection to their business communities. These organisations are:

Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME)
ASCAME is the most important representative of the Mediterranean private sector and of the general interest of the economy. ASCAME represents all North and South chambers and businesses regardless of their size and sector of activity, with over 250 members from 23 countries and 30 million companies.

Iberoamerican Association of Chambers of Commerce (AICO)
The Iberoamerican Association of Chambers of Commerce (AICO) was established on June 14, 1975, as an independent, nonprofit organisation created by representatives of chambers of commerce of Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and various cities and regions of Spain.

Confederation of Asia Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI)
Being established in 1966, it gathers 29 Primary Members, and is a NGO which has been granted consultative status in a roster category, under the United Nations.

Conférence Permanente des Chambres Consulaires Africaines et Francophones (CPCCAF)
CPCCAF is a non-profit organisation whose purpose is to contribute to the development and cooperation between the African private sector and the network of chambers members.

Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce (SRCIC)
Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce (SRCIC), mainly composed of national chambers of commerce of the Belt and Road countries, is the first transnational business confederation named after the Silk Road.

Central American Chamber of Commerce and Industy (FECAMCO)
Established in 1961, FECAMCO consists of the Chambers of Commerce of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama, and later they were joined by the chambers of Belize, Colombia and the Dominican Republic, it has its seat in San Salvador.

Junior Chamber International (JCI)
The JCI is a membership-based nonprofit organisation of 200,000 young people ages 18 to 40 in 5,000 communities and more than 100 countries around the world. Their mission is to provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.

SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SAARC CCI)
Established in 1992, the main priority of SAARC Chamber is to tackle economic issues in South Asian Countries, such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka and to encourage trade, service, and industry in the region.

Being established in 1966, it gathers 29 Primary Members, and is a NGO which has been granted consultative status in a roster category, under the United Nations.

Union of Arab Chambers (UAC)
Established on December 16, 1951, and having its headquarters in Beirut, the Union of Arab Chambers includes 21 Arab countries.