Costs and payment

Each Request for Appointment must be accompanied by the non-refundable filing fee of US$5,000 per expert or neutral to be proposed.

Depending on the specificities of the case, the Centre may request the payment of an additional fee from the party or parties by which the Request for Appointment has been filed. Said additional fee shall not exceed US$5,000 per expert or neutral to be appointed.

When the Centre is requested to appoint an expert who has already been proposed by the Centre under the ICC Rules for the Proposal of Experts and Neutrals in connection with the same matter, Centre shall charge one half of the non-refundable filing fee specified in Article 1 of Appendix II in addition to the amount already paid pursuant to the ICC Rules for the Proposal of Experts and Neutrals.

Parties in on going proceedings pursuant to the ICC Rules of Arbitration are exempt from charges for the appointment of a neutral who shall act as mediator (Article 3(2) of Appendix II to the Rules).

Each written objection regarding an appointed expert or neutral must be accompanied by the non-refundable filing fee of US$5,000.

The payment must originate from the party to the case. Additional payment details are available here.