Certificates of Origin
ICC welcomes Qatar Chamber to International CO Accreditation Chain
The Qatar Chamber of Commerce as well as three local chambers in Italy have become the latest members of the International Certificate of Origin (CO) Accreditation Chain.
The announcement was made during an International CO Council meeting which took place in Jaipur, India, 13-14 November 2018. The meeting was chaired by Peter Bishop, Deputy CEO of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Director of International Relations and Chambers’ Affairs at Qatar Chamber and ICC Qatar Sheikha Tamader Al Thani said that Qatar’s accession to the ICC CO Accreditation Chain as the 24th member country will further promote and facilitate trade by implementing a universally-accepted certification standard for the issuance of Certificates of Origins in the country.
She further noted that the chamber will organise an awareness workshop in cooperation with ICC and ICC Qatar in January of 2019 to provide practical information on the ICC Certificate of Origin and the benefits it will provide to the Qatari business community.
With its newly established status, the Qatar Chamber now benefits from the use of the internationally-recognised ICC CO label. This certified mark assures businesses, traders, banks and customs administrations that their COs have been issued according to the most stringent and harmonised certification standards, based on the ICC International CO Guidelines. Qatar Chamber was established in 1963 and is one of the oldest chambers of commerce in the GCC countries. It aims to organise business interests and represent the Qatar private sector locally and globally.
The new members are:
– The Qatar Chamber of Commerce
In Italy (with UnionCamere as national coordinating body):
– The Chamber of commerce industry handicraft and agriculture of Aosta;
– The Chamber of commerce industry handicraft and agriculture of Reggio Emilia;
– The Chamber of commerce industry handicraft and agriculture of Riviere di Liguria Imperia La Spezia Savona.
Created by the ICC World Chambers Federation in 2012, the CO Accreditation Chain today includes 560 chambers from 24 countries. Through the creation of the CO Chain, ICC aims to assist chamber leaders in promoting universal certification standards and processes to better serve chambers of commerce, as well as traders and customs administrations.
For more information visit Certificates of Origin
To see the full list of accredited members, click here https://iccwbo.org/resources-for-business/certificates-of-origin/certificates-origin-accreditation-chain/
To have access to the CO Verification website, click here https://iccwbo.org/resources-for-business/certificates-of-origin/certificates-origin-verification-website/