Governing Body for Dispute Resolution Services
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The Governing Body’s mandate is to propose to the ICC Executive Board measures to ensure ICC’s Dispute Resolution Services achieves its principal objectives, including:
- Maintaining high-quality service to users;
- Identifying areas for growth; and
- Preserving ICC’s reputation as the pre-eminent global institution for resolving disputes.
The Governing Body for Dispute Resolution Services has the following responsibilities:
- Preparation of business plans and policy proposals aimed at furthering the objectives of ICC’s dispute resolution services,
- Oversight of the implementation of any proposals of strategic importance regarding the ICC International Court of Arbitration that have been finally approved by the ICC Executive Board and the World Council (as the case may be), including:
- Preparation and implementation of new rules;
- Changes in fees for the International Court of Arbitration services;
- Opening of a new branch; or
- Any other matter that is likely to impact ICC’s overall profile/activity.
The Governing Body is composed of 16 members, including four ex officio members:
- The President of the International Court of Arbitration;
- The Secretary General of the International Court of Arbitration;
- The Chair of ICC; and
- The Secretary General of ICC
The other twelve members, each of whom serve a term of two years (for a maximum of two terms, or four years) are: one member of ICC’s Executive Board, one member of the Finance Committee, and 10 individuals recognised internationally as leaders in the field of international arbitration and alternative dispute resolution: four senior in-house counsel; three from private practice; one senior legal professional with substantial experience in the use of information technologies and two from the judiciary/academia/ public service).
The Chair of the Governing Body is appointed for a term of two years, which may be renewed, by the ICC Executive Board.
ICC Dispute Resolution Services Governing Body members
Mohamed ABDEL WAHAB (Egypt)
Partner, Zulficar & Partners
Liz (Kyo-Hwa) CHUNG (Korea)
Legal Director, Netflix and former Head of Corporate, External and Legal Affairs at Microsoft Korea
Heather GRENIER (United States)
Vice-President, Legal, Apple Inc.
Inka HANEFELD (Germany)
Partner, Hanefeld Rechtsanwalte, Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Fernando MANTILLA-SERRANO (Colombia)
Global Co-Chair, Latham & Watkins International Arbitration Practice
Pierre LE MOINE (France)
Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration Finance Committee;
Chief Financial Officer, Groupama Gan Vie
Sundaresh MENON (Singapore)
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Singapore
Francesca SALERNO (Italy)
Head of Group Significant Litigations, Enel Group
Technology Adviser to the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales
Anne Marie WHITESELL (United States)
Professor at the LL.M. Programme and Faculty Director for the Programme on International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
Tom CLARK (United States)
General Counsel, Asian Development Bank
Emmanuel JOLIVET
General Counsel, ICC and ICC International Court of Arbitration
Philippe Varin
Chair, International Chamber of Commerce
ICC Secretary General
President, ICC International Court of Arbitration
Alexander G. FESSAS
Secretary General, ICC International Court of Arbitration