ICC Institute activities
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As part of ICC’s global offering of online and in-person professional development opportunities, the ICC Institute of World Business Law works year-round to host a wide range of trainings and events—the majority of which are open to non-members.
Find out which of these events is coming to your region this year on our Knowledge 2 Go platform or contact the ICC Director for your region to indicate your interest.
What’s more?
In line with ICC’s mission to make business work for everyone, every day, everywhere, the ICC Institute of World Business Law , has broadened its scope beyond its historic International Arbitration work and has created two Task Forces on Compliance and on International Contracts.
The Institute has developed a Compliance Task Force to consider the many issues related to compliance. These issues are of interest to businesses trying to navigate their way through a very complicated regulatory world. The Task Force works to build capacity and promote international trade by identifying compliance problems, particularly for SMEs, and provide solutions from a legal perspective.
The ICC Institute SME Lab on Compliance, the first product of the Task Force provides SMEs with basic knowledge on Compliance to help them avoid the risk of non-compliance.
ICC Institute SME Lab on Compliance | Watch now our Introduction to Trade Sanctions
Trade Sanctions: Basic Guide for SMEs – Download the document
The Institute revamped International Contracts as area of study, creating a specific Task Force with the aim to increase knowledge of essential elements of international commercial contracts. The Task Force first aims at providing SMEs with effective contractual tools to operate in an online globalized market; identifying contractual measures to cope with increasingly volatile markets, scarcity of resources, unexpected regulatory constraints and trade sanctions. But also, it aims at providing transactional lawyers essential with elements of international commercial contracts by digitalizing our long-standing programmes on negotiation and redaction of contracts for lawyers and in-house counsel.
International Contracts Training
This training outlines the solutions to the main problems arising in international contracts—from how to preserve relationships between parties for the long term to the main strategies and techniques to negotiate a contract and how to avoid and resolve disputes. Participants will be able to tackle these and other issues with the help of a mock case and working groups exercises.
Advanced International Contracts Training
This advanced-level training focuses on the main issues that occur when dealing with international contracts. Participants will gain practical experience through the help of a complex mock case and working groups exercises.
Masterclass on M&A Contracts
This Masterclass is designed specifically around mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and includes topics such as conditions precedent, reps and warranties, buyer protection, post-closing issues. Participants will be guided through mock M&A negotiations by professionals with hands-on experience gained as part of corporate management teams.
Supporting the work of the ICC International Court of Arbitration with the aim to expand its global outreach and fostering further knowledge in international arbitration
Training on International Commercial Arbitration – PIDA Level 1
This training provides an understanding of the ICC Arbitration procedure through practical and interactive sessions. Participants will study the arbitration proceedings through the simulation of a mock case. No previous knowledge of ICC Arbitration is required.
Training on International Commercial Arbitration – PIDA Level 2
This advanced-level training offers in-depth insight into the ICC Arbitration procedure through practical and dynamic sessions. Participants will study the arbitration proceedings through the simulation of a complex mock case. Some knowledge of ICC Arbitration is recommended.
Masterclass for Arbitrators
This training is an opportunity to reinforce knowledge of the fundamentals of international commercial arbitration and learn about the latest developments and best practices related to serving as an international arbitrator. A resume is requested to register and candidates will be accepted upon experience.
ICC Arbitration Academy
This advanced-level training covers the main stages of an arbitration proceeding from an arbitrator’s point of view. Take place over a two-year period, participants are provided with a list of required and recommended reading for each workshop. A resume is requested to register and candidates will be accepted upon experience; whether they are native to or based in the region where the programme is being held; and if they speak English.
Intermediate-Level for Arbitration Practitioners
Our intermediate-level trainings are designed with the arbitration practitioner in mind. Learning outcomes include an understanding of the following:
- Should arbitrators act as settlement facilitators?
- Direct and Indirect Settlement Facilitation by Arbitrators
- Drafting an Award by Consent: ICC Practice
Intermediate-Level Training for Tribunal Secretaries and Future Arbitrators
Learning outcomes include an understanding of the following:
- Benefits and advantages of Tribunal Secretaries on the arbitration proceedings and the controversy of their role
- Arbitrators, parties and ICC perspective on the tasks of Tribunal Secretaries
- Understand the appointing of Tribunal Secretaries
- Explore the role of Tribunal Secretaries from the first contact with the Parties until the award
- Develop excellent skills through a practical case on drafting TORs and POs
Intermediate-Level Training for Lawyers and In-House Counsel
Learning outcomes include an understanding of the following:
- Understand the oral versus written advocacy from counsel and tribunal perspectives
- Learn and practice first-class skills for opening statements, hearing, closing statements and post-hearing
- Perform an effective cross-examination
Advanced-Level Primarily for Arbitrators and Future Arbitrators
Learning outcomes include an understanding of the following:
- Acquire best practices and different styles for rendering a fully convincing award
- Master techniques on drafting challenging awards
- Learn and practice the process behind the ICC Court Award Scrutiny
- Witness the discussions of the ICC Court while reviewing a draft award through a mock case
Annual ICC Institute Conference
The annual conference of the ICC Institute is the occasion for legal experts to deliberate on a topical issue and contribute towards reflection on new practices in international arbitration. It gathers international business practitioners, legal experts and academics to deliberate on a dedicated topic. Previous conference focus topics include Expedited Procedures in International Arbitration and Dispute prevention in International Procedures. The conference features first-rate speakers, topical discussions and relevant news and an excellent opportunity to network. Each participant receives a complimentary copy of the ICC Institute book on Expedited Procedures in International Arbitration.
Joint Symposium of Arbitrators with Queen Mary College

Co-organised by the ICC Institute, the School of International Arbitration (SIA) and the School of Law at Queen Mary, University of London topics covered this event is open to all. Previous topics have included opening up awards in international arbitration and abuse of process in international arbitration.
Professional development
The ICC Institute’s programmes are developed by some of the most experienced international arbitration practitioners in the world. CLE/MCLE/CPD/CNB Credits/hours may be available depending on the jurisdiction. Trainings are available in English, as well as French and Portuguese.