
ICC Expert Rules

  • 28 December 2016

ICC offers under the rules published in this booklet three distinct services relating to experts and neutrals: 1. Proposal of experts and neutrals; 2. Appointment of experts and neutrals; 3. Administration of expert proceedings.

ICC Expert Rules

ICC Expert Rules

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The ICC Rules are in force as from 1 February 2015.

Through its International Centre for ADR, ICC offers under the rules published in this booklet three distinct services relating to experts and neutrals:

  1. Proposal of experts and neutrals, whereby the ICC puts forward the name(s) of one or more experts or neutrals upon a request from one or more parties, a court or an arbitral tribunal;
  2. Appointment of experts and neutrals, whereby the ICC makes an appointment that is binding upon the requesting parties;
  3. Administration of expert proceedings, whereby the ICC is chosen to administer and supervise the entire expert proceedings.

The rules refer to the proposal and appointment of neutrals, as well as experts, confirming the practice that has developed through the ICC’s extensive experience of sourcing neutrals not only for the proceedings it administers but also for ad hoc and court proceedings. Indeed, neutrals can act in many different settings, e.g. as adjudicators, mediators, neutral evaluators or dispute board members.

Of the various languages in which these Rules are published, the English version is the only official text.

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