Online training and certification

Dispute resolution online training

Comprehensive Training in ICC Arbitration and the Application of the 2017 ICC Rules

ICC 2020 Dispute Resolution Statistics
Go to ICC Arbitration online training

An eight-hour online course written by members of the ICC International Court of Arbitration Secretariat and Chairman of the ICC Institute of World Business Law. Beginning with an overview of arbitration as a method of dispute resolution, this course examines how the ICC International Court of Arbitration and its Secretariat operate and how the ICC Rules of Arbitration are applied to the ICC Arbitration process.

Course content

40 randomly selected questions that cover the ICC Arbitration process. On completion, you will receive an ICC Certificate of Achievement detailing your personal results.



10-49 trainees: €250/trainee

50+ trainees: €200/trainee

Target audience

Arbitrators, practising lawyers, legal directors and corporate counsels from companies involved in international commercial arbitration and mediation, other legal professionals and academics.


8 CLE credits, 6.75 MCLE credits or 6.5 CPD points