Technology, the key to the future of dispute resolution
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) —in partnership with the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution (NTCDR) and the Global Pound Conference (GPC)—will host the annual Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Conference. Taking place in Paris, the Conference will familiarise participants with the online programmes that may be implemented to benefit the administration of dispute resolution and their civil, societal and commercial advantages.
While the digital revolution has taken the world by storm, dispute resolution systems have been slow to keep pace. Justice remains often bureaucratic, long, costly and sometimes simply inaccessible—in particular for those in emerging economies, conflict zones and remote locations where individuals do not benefit from judiciaries to resolve their disputes.
Here is where ODR comes into play. ODR refers to the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to support the settlement of civil and commercial disputes. Despite the fact that online platforms have been around for the last 20 years, their use and potential are still underexplored. The upcoming 17th edition of the ODR Conference will unveil the benefits of ICTs to improve access to information and justice in all societies and explore the challenges related to their use.
Mireze Philippe, a Special Counsel for the ICC International Court of Arbitration, will co-chair the two-day Conference with Ethan Katsh, the Co-Founder and Director of NTCDR and professor of legal studies at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Mr Katsh said: “We have gathered for over a decade to take stock of evolution in the field of online dispute resolution. This is the first time [in] two decades that a conference on online dispute resolution is organised in Paris. We are keen on sharing and hearing [from] all dispute resolution and online dispute resolution stakeholders in France and elsewhere.”
With over 65 international speakers—representing judiciaries, academics, dispute resolution institutions, ODR providers and start-ups—this Conference is sure to offer up a variety of perspectives and experiences.
From comparing different country models in applying the ODR revolution in courts, to debating the ethical principles and standards for ODR and the challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence, to exploring the variety of ODR platforms currently in use, the Conference programme includes a number of intriguing topics to take in, discuss and debate.
The Conference is set to attract 200 participants from a wide range of sectors and professions. Commenting on the upcoming event, speaker Colin Rule, the Chairman and Chief Operating Officer of Modria, said: “We meet to discuss subjects that concern [everyone]. Building online dispute resolution will only be successful if all stakeholders contribute to the field and share their experience.”
This Conference is supported by platinum sponsor Modria, a cloud-based ODR platform, and gold sponsor Zulficar & Partners, an international corporate law and arbitration practice firm.
Those hoping to attend the 17th ODR Conference are encouraged to register as soon as possible, as the Conference date is fast approaching. To learn more about the event or to register, please visit our dedicated event page.