Marketing & advertising

Spanish edition of ICC Framework on Advertising of Alcohol launched in Mexico City

  • 14 May 2014

A Spanish edition of the International Chamber of Commerce’s global resource to help strengthen self-regulation for marketing alcohol has been launched today in Mexico City at a meeting of the ICC Mexico Commission on Marketing and Advertising.

ICC Advertising and Marketing

The Framework clarifies do’s and don’ts for responsible marketing of alcohol and can serve as the basis for developing self-regulatory rules for marketing alcohol where they do not already exist. The Spanish edition has been translated by ICC Mexico from the original English version launched in March 2014. It will aid advertising professionals to better understand how existing global principles should be applied in practice while offering companies and self-regulatory bodies a guide for bolstering responsible practice across markets.

The commission worked in close consultation with the alcohol sector to ensure that the Framework helps companies meet self-regulation commitments without disrupting existing codes and in Mexico the industry was strongly supportive of the framework and encouraged adoption and implementation.

Raul Rodriguez, Chair of ICC Mexico’s Marketing and Advertising Commission said: “It is without a doubt that this Framework will become an important reference to industries in Mexico, considering that recognition of self-regulation systems in marketing and advertising is growing in the sectors involved: industry, regulation authorities, policymakers and consumers themselves; this encourages and drives the making of these types of conduct codes.”

Meanwhile, Edgar Guillaumin, Chair of Cerveceros de México said, “Our national brewers are fully committed to the responsible advertising of alcoholic beverages, especially as our country is No. 1 in beer exports worldwide. The ICC Framework will help us achieve full commitment, not only at a national level, but in those markets where Mexican beer is sold.”

The Framework will be presented at ICC Mexico by ICC Senior Policy Manager for the ICC Commission on Marketing and Advertising, Elizabeth Thomas-Raynaud, who will explain the material to the annual meeting of the Latin American alliance of self-regulatory organizations, CONARED. Meeting in Merida, Mexico from 15-16 May, CONARED brings together the self-regulatory organizations of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay to share best practice on advertising self-regulation and reinforce their efforts to strengthen responsible marketing across the region.

“The Framework takes principles, such as social responsibility, and spells out what it means when developing or assessing an alcohol marketing communication and it’s important to companies making commitments to responsible marketing that they adhere to these robust principles in all markets,” said Ms Thomas-Raynaud. “So whether it’s marketers of wine in Argentina, agencies creating beer campaigns in Mexico or distillers promoting a product in Brazil, all need be careful not to associate their products as a means of attaining social success, performance in sport or attractiveness to the opposite sex.”

“For self-regulatory organizations reviewing advertisements to enforce those principles, this this tool provides extra clarity and promotes greater consistency,” added Ms Thomas-Raynaud noting that feedback was given at a recent presentation of the Framework at the annual meeting of the International Council on Advertising Self-Regulation (ICAS) of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA).

The ICC Commission on Marketing and Advertising is a the body of global experts responsible for developing and updating the Consolidated ICC Code of Advertising and Marketing Communications Practice, which serves as the gold standard for most national and sectoral self-regulation.

ICC has served as the authoritative rule-setter for international advertising since the 1930s, when the first ICC Code on advertising practice was issued. Since then, it has updated and expanded the ICC self-regulatory framework where needed to assist companies in marketing their products responsibly and to help self-regulators apply the rules consistently.

Download Spanish translation of ICC framework for responsible marketing communications of alcohol.

For more information visit ICC Commission on Marketing and Advertising.