ICC Secretary General talks G20 on France 24 TV
France 24 television on Tuesday morning featured an interview with ICC Secretary General Jean-Guy Carrier, who spoke about what business wants to see come out of the G20 Summit in Los Cabos, Mexico later this month.
The interview appeared on France 24’s English and French news programmes as a preview to the ICC G20 Advisory Group’s participation in the G20 Business Summit in Los Cabos on 17-18 June.
Mr Carrier reinforced calls from global business for greater leadership from the G20 in handing the economic crisis and giving business the confidence it needs to invest.
“We’ve got a globalized economy and no levers, no tools to manage that economy,” Mr Carrier said.
The G20 Summit and the ICC’s newly released Scorecard of G20 progress was also the focus of an interview given by Harold McGraw III, ICC Vice-Chairman and Chairman and CEO of the McGraw-Hill Companies, last week on Bloomberg Business TV’s Bottom Line programme.
“Everything we do in Los Cabos…has got to be focused on achieving economic growth and the job creation that comes with that,” Mr McGraw said, responding to a question on business expectations for the Summit.
View Jean-Guy Carrier’s France 24 interview