ICC releases 2014 Intellectual Property Roadmap

  • 23 June 2014

The 12th edition of the ICC’s "Intellectual Property Roadmap: Current and Emerging Issues for Business and Policymakers" was released today at the Intellectual Property Business Congress (IPBC) global conference in Amsterdam.


Containing contributions from experts around the world, the report has this year been restructured to better reflect the way businesses consider intellectual property (IP) as an asset that can be used to create value for their companies, for consumers and for society as a whole. Each section explains the background and the current landscape as well as provides perspectives for the future.

The first chapter describes developments with an impact on IP protection and is followed by chapters on creating value from IP, obtaining IP assets, enforcing IP rights and the interaction between IP and other policy areas. There are several new topics, including IP management and licensing, patent quality, harmonisation and streamlining of trademark rules, trademark restrictions on packaging, non-traditional marks and innovation.

There has been extensive updating of the introductory chapter and the sections on trademarks, trade secrets, domain names, enforcement on the Internet, litigating IP rights, counterfeiting, sustainable economic development and climate change.

“The swift pace of change in information and other technologies, and the trend towards more collaboration in innovation, are having a big effect on how IP is used, licensed and protected,” said David Koris, Chair of the ICC Commission on Intellectual Property and global head of IP at Shell who will be speaking at the IPBC Global Conference. “The emergence of new Internet applications and platforms, the increasing use of mobile devices, ever-increasing bandwidth and changing consumer behaviour are making IP owners reconsider how they distribute, commercialize and control their intellectual assets in the electronic environment.”

“The role of IP in society continues to be debated and how it operates in practice is not always well understood. Business has to actively engage in these debates and explain how IP is used in practice to support innovation and creation,” said Chair of the task force Ingrid Baele, who is responsible for Operations and Country Management at Philips Intellectual Property & Standards.

The ICC IP Roadmap is published every two to three years and is translated into languages including Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish. It is widely read by business, policy and legal professionals around the world.

Click here to read the ICC Intellectual Property Roadmap.

Visit the IPBC Conference website.