ICC issues fifth G20 newsletter

  • 22 February 2012

ICC has released the fifth issue of the G20 Executive Brief, a newsletter aimed at keeping the organization’s international network and the business community informed ahead of this year’s B20 and G20 Summits, 17-19 June in Los Cabos, Mexico.

ICC Publications

Since its creation in May 2011, the G20 Advisory Group has been leading ICC’s efforts to develop policy input to the G20 process. This year ICC will be partnering with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to provide business recommendations for the B20 Summit, being hosted by the Mexican government.

ICC and WEF have been mandated to coordinate the work of the eight B20 task forces, which will focus on: food security, green growth, employment, trade and investment, advocacy and impact, transparency and anti-corruption, ITC and innovation, and financing growth and development.

For information about ICC’s work on the G20 process visit ICC G20 Advisory Group.