
The ICC Court partner of a conference in Warsaw on Dispute Resolution in M&A Transactions

  • 24 May 2013

The conference will give attendees a unique opportunity to hear some examples of ICC awards in M&A arbitrations.

ICC Court

The ICC International Court of Arbitration is a partner of an International Conference “Dispute Resolution in M&A Transactions: Tactics, Challenges, Defences”, which will be held on 6-7 June 2013 in Warsaw (Poland).

Andrea Carlevaris, Secretary general of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, will sit at the panel related to Hot topics about arbitration in M&A on Thursday 6 June morning and will present ICC awards in M&A arbitration over the last decade.

Topics during this two-day conference include:

  • Hot topics about arbitration in M&A
  • Procedural issues in M&A arbitration
  • Shareholder disputes – case study
  • Computation of damages in case of breach of SPA and related agreements
  • Mandatory public law and antitrust law in M&A-related
  • disputes

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