G20 Advisory Group unveils new newsletter
ICC launched the first issue of the newly designed ICC G20 Advisory Group e-newsletter, with the aim of keeping the organization’s international network informed ahead of the G20 Summit on 5-6 September 2013 in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

This digital newsletter contains a letter from ICC Secretary General Jean-Guy Carrier, as well as news updates and key dates in the lead up to both the
G20 Summit and the G20 Business Summit (B20), which is also being held in Saint Petersburg, on 20-21 June 2013.
Since its creation in May 2011, the ICC G20 Advisory Group has been leading ICC’s efforts to develop policy input to the G20 process. ICC has been an active participant at business summits for the G20 in Seoul, Cannes and Los Cabos. The Advisory Group will once again take part in several business tasks forces for the B20 Summit on 20-21 June in Saint Petersburg.
President Vladimir Putin has designated Alexander Shokhin, President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), to lead business policy task forces for the Russian G20 cycle.
Readers can find out more about the process and ICC’s role in partnership with RSPP, national business federations comprising the B20 Coalition and other key international business groups including the Organisation of Employers, World Economic Forum and International Business Leaders Forum Russia by reading the G20 Newsletter.
Visit the ICC G20 Advisory Group.