Digital advertising tops agenda of responsible marketing experts meeting

  • 17 June 2013

Ensuring trust in digital media practice and the need for a set of global dos and don’ts for mobile marketing were among the key discussions at the bi-annual meeting of the ICC Commission on Marketing held on 3-4 June at the News Corporation offices in New York.

Intellectual Property

The meeting agenda featured a roster of high calibre speakers, most notably ICC Chairman-elect Harold McGraw III, Chairman, President and CEO of McGraw-Hill Financial, who shared his views on ICC policy work and positioning.

On 3 June the ICC Working Group on Digital Media heard an update on mobile marketing developments from Genie Barton of the US self-regulatory body and Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA). Ms Barton explained the state of US efforts to draft rules for self-regulation of mobile marketing, expanding on the DAA’s existing schemes for online behavioural advertising (OBA) and multi-site data sharing. Scott Meyer, Chief Executive Officer of Evidon, demonstrated how existing digital rules are put into self-regulation practice through the technical mechanisms his company has developed and introduced their solutions for the aspects unique to mobile marketing. 

The working group deliberated global needs – as identified by members and national committees across all regions – and will begin framing an outline for a guidance tool on mobile that can offer a consistent approach to self-regulation across all markets. ICC guidance will take inspiration from the industry consensus on mobile, when the DAA’s work is published, but any further rules on mobile for global consumption will be based on the ICC OBA framework published in the Consolidated ICC Code of Advertising and Marketing Communications Practice in 2011.

On 4 June, in the commission meeting, responsible practice on digital media remained a key topic as Marc Groman, Executive Director of Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) briefed members on their unique approach to self-regulate third party online advertising and shared developments on the company’s new mobile rules.

Following that, Garrett Bechler, Senior Principal Security Architect and Strategist from Symantec Corporation, gave members the low down on cyber security evolvement, explaining how the
advertising sector is affected by current threats and what companies can and should be doing to protect consumers’ trust and the integrity of digital advertising.

In addition to digital media, members discussed current developments in the drafting of a companion code for responsible marketing of beverage alcohol as well as an update on activities to promote awareness and use of the Consolidated ICC Code of Advertising and Marketing and Communications Practice through APEC.

ICC Chairman elect, Harold McGraw III, Chairman, President and CEO of McGraw-Hill Financial, made a guest appearance at the meeting to share his vision for ICC and to present the ICC Merchant of Peace award to John Manfredi, long-serving former Chair of the ICC Marketing and Advertising Commission, in recognition of his significant contribution to advancing ICC’s
mission to promote peace and prosperity through international trade and investment.

For more information on the commission’s work visit the ICC Commission on Marketing and Advertising

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