Beijing conference highlights role of IP in fostering competitiveness

  • 7 November 2012

Government officials and intellectual property experts at a recent conference in Beijing emphasized the strategic importance of intellectual property (IP) in shaping current economic policies of governments and businesses.

Intellectual Property

The conference, co-hosted by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) on 26 October, addressed how economic and business competitiveness could be increased by using intellectual assets. The event was attended by nearly 200 business representatives, IP professionals and policy makers from China, Latin America, the US, Africa and Europe.

David Koris, Chair of the ICC Commission on Intellectual Property, launched the Chinese edition of the 2012 edition of ICC’s popular IP report, The ICC Intellectual Property Roadmap: Current and emerging issues for business and policymakers,during the conference.

Opening the proceedings, CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei said that IP would play an important role in China’s reinvention of itself from a producer of goods “made in China” to those “created in China”. He affirmed CCPIT’s interest in collaborating with the ICC Commission on Intellectual Property, which he described as a high-level international platform of cooperation for developing IP standards.

Tian Lipu, Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Officer of China, pointed out that China had realized the fundamental importance of creativity and innovation in economic development and had made significant changes to improve its IP system in recent years. He believed that the financial crisis would stimulate more knowledge creation and opportunities for growth in which IP would play a key role.

Speakers from Chinese, European, and US companies and patent offices shared information on developments, laws and IP management practices in the protection of technologies, trade secrets, brands and designs.

ICC is the world business organization, with thousands of members from different sectors worldwide. ICC’s policy work in intellectual property is led by its Commission on Intellectual Property.

Download the IP Roadmap in Chinese version

Watch CCTV report “China says IPR protection key to economic restructuring”