Competitive markets

Recommendations on merger control

  • 27 April 2023

Draft recommendations

Merger control

To enhance compliance and proper enforcement of merger control regulations, ICC proposes draft recommendations and underscores the importance of companies, lawyers and antitrust agencies working side by side to pursue shared goals.

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Why are ICC’s recommendations on merger control relevant? 

Over the past 40 years, a growing number of countries have adopted merger rules to examine the impact of mergers on competition and ensure the functioning of their markets. This unprecedented development has been spurred by recommendations from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the International Competition Network.  

As more jurisdictions establish merger control regimes, inconsistencies and procedural issues have emerged. Emphasising the importance of clear guidelines, ICC addresses these challenges by providing a comprehensive framework and recommendations for improving merger control practices.  

The recommendations cover key areas such as the concept of reportable mergers, notification thresholds, simplified forms, funding of antitrust agencies, guidelines and gun jumping fines. 

They aim to  

What makes ICC’s recommendations on merger control unique? 

The recommendations are the result of a cooperative and inclusive effort involving nearly 200 ICC in-house counsel, private practitioners from various key jurisdictions and several antitrust agencies providing feedback.  

The broad representation ensures that the recommendations reflect a global perspective and consider the needs and challenges faced by companies operating across borders. 

ICC underscores the importance of continued collaboration among companies, lawyers and antitrust agencies to pursue the following shared goals:  

Who are the recommendations on merger control for?  

Should you have any further questions, contact us.