Five things to know about the ICC 2014 IP Roadmap

  • 26 September 2014

In 2014, ICC released the 12th edition of its flagship intellectual property (IP) publication, “The ICC Intellectual Property Roadmap: Current and Emerging Issues for Business and Policymakers”.

Intellectual Property

Here are five things to know about the latest edition.

1. It is more relevant than ever

The role of IP in society – especially patents and copyright – continues to be the subject of lively debate, both at national and international level.

Developed with contributions from experts from around the globe, ICC’s flagship IP publication is widely read by business, policy and legal professionals worldwide, both within and outside ICC’s international membership.

2. Clearer section formats provide greater context

The report is divided into four sections, each of which explains the background and the current landscape, and provides perspectives for the future.

  • Creating value from IP
  • Obtaining IP assets
  • Enforcement of IP rights
  • Interaction between IP and other policy areas

3. The new structure meets business needs better

This year the report has been restructured. It now better reflects the way businesses consider IP as an asset that can be used to create value for their companies, for consumers and for society as a whole.

4. The topics reflect IP challenges of 2014…and beyond

The 12th edition includes several new topics, such as IP management and licensing, patent quality, harmonization and streamlining of trademark rules, trademark restrictions on packaging, non-traditional marks and innovation.

It has also undergone extensive updates in the introductory chapter and the sections on trademarks, trade secrets, domain names, enforcement on the Internet, litigating IP rights, counterfeiting, sustainable economic development and climate change.

5. It is free to download…and available in numerous languages

Downloadable from our website and available in hard copy, the 2014 IP Roadmap has been translated into Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and other languages.

Read the ICC Intellectual Property Roadmap.

Visit the IPBC Conference website.