ICC Institute of World Business Law

The Institute of World Business Law Prize

For more than 40 years, the ICC Institute of World Business Law has been enhancing ties between the academic world and practising lawyers.

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The ICC Institute of World Business Law established the Institute Prize in 2007 to encourage focused research on legal issues affecting international business. Contributing to the understanding and progress of international commercial law around the world, the ICC Institute Prize recognises legal writing excellence.

The ICC Institute Prize is open to anyone 40 years of age or under as of deadline date who submits a doctoral dissertation or long essay (minimum of 150 pages) drafted in French or English on the subject of international commercial law, including arbitration.

When can I submit my work to participate in the ICC Institute Prize?

What are the ICC Institute Prize rules?

The Rules for the 2025 edition are available in English and in French

For any questions regarding the Rules or the ICC Institute Prize, please contact us via email at iccprize@iccwbo.org

Who is the ICC Institute Prize jury?

The jury responsible for the selection of the ICC Institute Prize laureate comprises specially selected members of the ICC Institute Council. 

The 2025 ICC Institute Prize Jury for the 2025 edition.

Winnie Ma (Chair) Resident, The Arbitration Chambers, Singapore 
Mauricio Almeida Prado Independent Arbitrator, Mauricio Almeida Prado, Brazil 
Tolga Ayoglu Arbitrator,Professor, Galatasaray University, Faculty of Law, Turkey 
Matthias Scherer Partner, Lalive, Switzerland 
Joongi Kim Professor, Yonsey University Law School, Republic of Korea 
Cristina Martinetti Partner, Elexi Law Firm, Italy 
Stacie Strong Professor, Emory University School of Law, USA 
Habibatou Touré Partner, Habibatou Touré Law Firm, Senegal 
Galina Zukova Partner, Zukova Legal, France 

Institute Prize laureates

2023 Institute Prize laureate

Sabrina Pearson-Wenger

2021 Institute Prize laureate

Dr (Ms) Brooke Marshall

2019 Institute Prize laureate

Tobias Lutzi

2017 Institute Prize laureate

Berk Demirkol

2015 Institute Prize laureate

Annabelle Mockesch

2013 Institute Prize laureate

Arno Gildemeister

2011 Institute Prize laureate

Claire Debourg

2009 Institute Prize laureate

Denis Mouralis

2007 Institute Prize laureate

Vincent Chantebout