Ossa Felipe



Arbitration cases

Case ID Date of Publication Case Status Role Appointment Method Sector of Industry Arbitrator Status Link
02143 October 2022 Pending President Court Energy Active See
01880 October 2021 Closed Sole Arbitrator Court Transportation, logistics and storage Active See
01827 July 2021 Closed President Co-arbitrators Food and beverages Active See
01191 June 2019 Closed Co-arbitrator Court N/A Active See
00629 January 2019 Closed Co-arbitrator Respondent(s) N/A Active See
00513 March 2018 Closed Emergency Arbitrator Court N/A Active See
00239 May 2017 Closed Co-arbitrator Respondent(s) N/A Active See
00701 November 2016 Closed Co-arbitrator Claimant(s) N/A Active See