Incoterms® rules trademark and copyright policy
Incoterms® is a trademark used to brand the Rules devised by ICC and is copyright protected. Incoterms® 2020 logo is protected by both copyright and trademark rights and can only be used within specific guidelines.
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For more information on ICC’s trademark and copyright policy in relation to the Incoterms® rules, please contact
IP ManagementContact by email
What are the Do’s and Don’ts of using Incoterms® trademarks ?
- Do only use the word mark Incoterms® and the Incoterms® 2020 logo to indicate the Incoterms® Rules originating from ICC.
- Do only use the Incoterms® 2020 logo downloaded from this web form.
- Do insert the following statement in relation to the use of the trademarks: Incoterms® and the Incoterms® 2020 logo are trademarks of ICC. Use of these trademarks does not imply association with, approval of or sponsorship by ICC unless specifically stated above. The Incoterms® Rules are protected by copyright owned by ICC.
- Do always use the word mark as either Incoterms® or INCOTERMS® with a capital letter (i.e. do not use incoterms, Incoterm (without the final ‘s’))
- Do always use the ® symbol next to the trade mark Incoterms® whenever used in text. If this is not possible owing to the format of the text, the ® should at least be used the first time the mark is mentioned.
- Do always use the trademark Incoterms® as an adjective to the ICC approved Rules: the Incoterms® Rules, an Incoterms® Rule, Incoterms® definition, (i.e. “Using the Incoterms® Rules”)
- and never as a noun (i.e. not “some Incoterms” or “When Incoterms are used”)
- Don’t alter in any way the Incoterms® word mark or Incoterms® 2020 Logo
- Don’t remove or alter the trademark Incoterms® or the Incoterms® 2020 Logo from any material issued by ICC.
- Don’t use the trademarks Incoterms® or the Incoterms® 2020 Logo in any manner that is detrimental to the reputation of the Incoterms® Rules or ICC.
- Don’t use the Incoterms® or the Incoterms® 2020 logo to imply association with or sponsorship by ICC. The trademarks should only be used to identify the Incoterms® Rules, and not to “brand” products or services from others (i.e. non-ICC training should not be described as “Incoterms® training” or “Incoterms seminar®” but should instead be described as “training/seminar on the Incoterms® Rules”)
- Don’t change the colour or proportions of the Incoterms® 2020 Logo (i.e. do not remove or change the colours, do not stretch the Logo to make it taller or wider, do not alter the logo, only use the logo in its entirety.
- Don’t create your own trademark or logo incorporating the trademark Incoterms® or the Incoterms® Logo, or any elements from the Logo.
- Don’t apply to register the brands Incoterms® or the Incoterms® 2020 Logo on any trade mark or other formal Registers.
Any use of the trademark Incoterms® or the Incoterms® 2020 logo in any manner contrary to the above Policy will be considered unauthorised use, unless written permission was obtained from ICC. ICC may take whatever action it deems necessary to prevent such unauthorised use.
The Incoterms® Rules, Explanatory Notes and all other content of ICC’s publications on the Incoterms® Rules are protected by ICC’s copyright as well as other related ICC publications.
While ICC encourages the use by third parties of the Incoterms® Rules within sales contracts, it is vigilant about protecting its copyright over the text of the Rules used in other publications. This is essential to preserve the integrity of the Rules so that traders throughout the world know that they are referring to the same set of Rules.
Extracts from the Rules may be used by third parties in contracts, website or other publications subject to the following guidelines:
- Do insert the following statement at the end of the article or publication:“The Incoterms® Rules are protected by copyright owned by ICC. Further information on the Incoterm® Rules may be obtained from the ICC website [insert hyperlink]. Incoterms® and the Incoterms® 2020 logo are trademarks of ICC. Use of these trademarks does not imply association with, approval of or sponsorship by ICC unless specifically stated above. “
- Do include the whole Rule in any extracts, i.e. do not select parts of a Rule as this may change the understanding of the Rule as a whole.
- Do reference the Incoterms® 2020 Rules in contracts using the following wording as recommended in the official ICC Incoterms® publication, i.e.“[the chosen Incoterms Rule followed by the named place] Incoterms® 2020”,
- for example “FCA 33 avenue Président Wilson, Paris, France, Incoterms® 2020”
- Don’t amend, alter, reconfigure or otherwise adjust the wording of the Rules.
- Don’t create your own translation of any of the Rules. Approved translations can be provided by ICC either on the ICC online store or by contacting the relevant ICC National Committee.
Any copies of or extracts from the Incoterms® Rules which are contrary to the above Policy will be considered unauthorised use and ICC may take whatever action it deems necessary to prevent such unauthorised use.