Climate change

Supporting Innovation to Meet Climate Change Challenges

  • 11 November 2016

ICC, and the global business community it represents, believes that innovation is key to addressing many of the world’s challenges today, including that of climate change.

Innovation fuels economic competitiveness, creates jobs, and helps ensure that technology and manufacturing enterprises continue to contribute social and economic value to the global economy as a whole.

ICC is therefore highly supportive of efforts by the United Nations (UN) and other intergovernmental organizations to encourage technological innovation in general, and innovation in environmentally sustainable technology in particular. ICC especially supports efforts aimed at creating effective policy and regulatory environments around the world that encourage innovation and enable the development, broad dissemination, and use of innovative products and technologies.

To achieve its aims to find solutions for fighting climate change and adapting to its effects, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Parties must provide a framework which supports and encourages innovation. Fostering innovation is one of the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals and is supportive of achieving other sustainable development goals, such as ending poverty and hunger, ensuring access to energy and health and promoting sustainable economic growth. The UNFCCC should embrace and support the development of positive technology enabling environments, innovation-focused government and market policies and regulation, as well as a more active and engaged role of the business community at large.

An effective response to climate change requires clean innovation on a global scale, i.e., the development and diffusion of a broad variety of new clean technologies in both developed and developing countries.

Summary and highlights