ICC submission to the European Commission’s Trade Policy Review

  • 1 December 2020

ICC publishes its submission to the European Commission’s Consultation on Trade Policy Review.

ICC submission to the European Commission’s Trade Policy Review

ICC submission to the European Commission’s Trade Policy Review

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Launched in June 2020, the European Commission’s Consultation on Trade Policy Review is an all-encompassing examination of the European Union’s (EU) trade policy settings. The consultation’s objective is to build consensus around EU Trade policy, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and other trade-related challenges.

ICC’s submission to the Commission’s trade policy review is divided into three categories:

  1. Retaining open trade settings and resisting protectionism.
  2. Building a stronger multilateral trading system.
  3. Using trade policy to help solve common challenges.

With representation in Brussels, Geneva, and Paris, ICC is committed to working with EU policymakers to ensure that trade policies are open, predictable, and promote the rule of law.