Climate change

ICC Green Economy Roadmap – a guide for business, policymakers and society (2012)

  • 11 November 2016

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is pleased to present the ICC Green Economy Roadmap - a guide for business, policymakers and society to assist in the development and implementation of policies and actions towards a “green economy”.


Recognizing that a green economy requires the need to reconcile long, medium and short-term vision and actions, the ICC Green Economy Roadmap outlines ten conditions and related policy recommendations as a framework to discuss a range of inter-linked policies and actions for a transition towards a green economy – by business as a part of society as well as in collaboration with other actors in society.

This guide includes the following ten high-level conditions which are supported by concrete intra-industry/business and collaborative action recommendations as well as best practice examples:

  • Open and competitive markets
  • Metrics, accounting, and reporting
  • Finance and investment
  • Awareness
  • Life cycle approach
  • Resource efficiency and decoupling
  • Employment
  • Education and skills
  • Governance and partnership
  • Integrated policy and decision-making

Please see the annex for the best practice examples.