ICC G20 Advisory on fighting corruption

  • 11 November 2016

For decades, ICC has taken the lead in denouncing corruption and in developing measures to combat it.

ICC G20 Advisory on fighting corruption

ICC G20 Advisory on fighting corruption

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What international business expects from governments and intergovernmental organizations

  • All G20 governments should ratify and implement UN CAC. G20 government should also encourage work with non-G20 states toward a universal adoption and implementation of UN CAC.
  • All G20 governments should become parties to the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials
  • High level reporting mechanism: Each national government should consider creating a reporting mechanism to provide assistance to companies that are confronted with a solicitation for bribe and/or extortion, and to resolve other concerns that may arise in the context of public procurement and international projects. To be effective, such a mechanism, which could take the form of an “ombudsman” function, should provide adequate guarantees of independence and be subject to annual reviews of effectiveness.

What more can business do

  • World business calls for the development of effective ethics and compliance training to embed best practices for fighting corruption amongst all levels within companies big and small. ICC is committed to actively contribute to the development and implementation of such training.
  • World business also recommends extending sectoral initiatives that offer collective guidance and support targeted to the specific challenges of different industries, and that share anti-corruption best practices.

What more can business do in partnership with governments

  • World business calls for the further development of external certification, verification or assurance of the effectiveness of company anti-bribery procedures, as called for by UN CAC and by the UK Guidance to the Bribery Bill.
  • World business further calls for public-private partnerships on the development of the “self-cleaning process”, as a positive anti-corruption incentive for business, wherein procurement rules be amended to allow for the re-entry into the market of companies debarred under public procurement rules if these companies can do an internal company “self-cleaning” exercise.