Business & UN

Open letter to Ministers, COP26 Glasgow

  • 12 November 2021

ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO writes an open letter to ministers urging them to show real statesmanship and a willingness to make tough compromises during the final throes of COP26.

Open letter to Ministers, COP26 Glasgow

Open letter to Ministers, COP26 Glasgow

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Mr Denton applauds the progress that COP26 has already made in securing commitments which, if implemented, should bring the world closer to our shared goal of limiting global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050. However, he recognises that there remains much unfinished business left for governments to conclude if the conference is to be declared a genuine success. He states that all governments – developed and developing – must show real statesmanship and a willingness to make tough compromises during the final throes of the conference. From a business perspective, the gavel should not come down on COP26 until robust deals to fully operationalise the Paris Agreement are finally agreed. We cannot afford to wait any longer.