Joint Business Statement on the OECD Committee on Digital Economy Policy’s work to develop an instrument setting out high-level principles or policy guidance for trusted government access to personal data held by the private sector

  • 7 May 2021

ICC and Business at OECD join forces to deliver a statement, supported by over 20 business associations globally, to the OECD as it embarks on developing high-level principles and guidance on government access to private-sector held personal data.

Joint Business Statement on the OECD Committee on Digital Economy Policy’s work to develop an instrument setting out high-level principles or policy guidance for trusted government access to personal data held by the private sector

Joint Business Statement on the OECD Committee on Digital Economy Policy’s work to develop an instrument setting out high-level principles or policy guidance for trusted government access to personal data held by the private sector

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ICC firmly believes that the benefits of trade depend on the trusted flow of data between countries. Data transfers are estimated to contribute $2.8 trillion to global GDP—a share that exceeds the global trade in goods and is expected to grow to $11 trillion by 2025. This value is shared by traditional industries like agriculture, logistics, and manufacturing, which realise 75% of the value of the data transfers.

This joint business statement convened by ICC and BIAC – and supported by over 20 business associations worldwide – features private sector insights on the economic impact of the current lack of legal certainty and clarity and emphasises the urgency of articulating common practices shared by OECD members, outlining necessary shared safeguards to ensure a high standard of privacy and set a firm foundation for building trust.