ICC-IOE-BIAC-WBCSD: UN treaty business and human rights, further considerations
In this statement, ICC, BIAC, IOE and WBCSD present observations and concerns regarding the proposed binding treaty on business and human rights, ahead of the second IGWG session in October 2016.

Human rights are a high priority for the international business community. BIAC, ICC, IOE, and WBCSD and their millions of member companies around the world have been engaged in this subject for many years. Each of these representative organizations have endorsed the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and continue to be active in promoting and disseminating the UN Guiding Principles and related implementation guidance among their membership and associated networks.
As part of this ongoing activity, BIAC, ICC, IOE, and WBCSD and their members have constructively participated in the work of the Intergovernmental Working Group (IGWG). After submitting initial written observations on the UN treaty process in June 2015, the groups actively participated in the IGWG’s first meeting in July 2015 and have since then proactively engaged in the process.