ICC Guidance – Integrity for a resilient response and rebuild after COVID-19

  • 16 July 2020

We must not lose sight of the enhanced risks for corruption, bribery and other illicit behaviours that come with the COVID-19 crisis. A crisis is no excuse to engage in unethical and corrupt practices.

ICC Guidance – Integrity for a resilient response and rebuild after COVID-19

ICC Guidance – Integrity for a resilient response and rebuild after COVID-19

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This ICC Guidance calls on business and governments to uphold the highest standards of integrity for a resilient COVID-19 response and rebuild.

ICC encourages corporate leaders to continue to uphold the highest standards of integrity in business transactions and to continue to act responsibly with respect to human rights, good governance, and integrity rules when conducting business.  A crisis is no excuse to engage in unethical and corrupt business conduct.

This ICC Guidance recommends:

  • Preserving integrity in procurement during times of crisis, including through use of e-procurement for enhanced transparency;
  • Countering illicit practices in times of crisis;
  • Maintaining the use of due diligence to address risks of corruption and human rights impacts presented by global supply chain disruptions;
  • Addressing corruption risks related to customs;
  • Preserving the rule of law during crisis.