ICC comments on the Security, Stability and Resiliency (SSR) of the DNS Review Team Set of Issues
The International Chamber of Commerce's (ICC) Commission on E-Business, IT and Telecoms (EBITT) is pleased to provide these responsive comments to ICANN's SSR Review Team's request for comments on an initial set of issues.
ICC members include companies and associations from across sectors and geographies, and ICC is a member of the ICANN Generic Name Supporting Organization (GNSO) Business Constituency. The technical coordination of the Internet is of critical importance to all of our members given the amount of their business that is conducted over it.
ICC welcomes the work of the SSR Review Team (SSRT), as they bring important attention and analysis of issues concerning the overall security of the Domain Name System (DNS). The SSR RT will play an important role in reviewing ICANN‟s Plan for Enhancing Internet Security, Stability and Resiliency, and its preparedness to deal with actual and potential challenges and threats. This should include: reviewing the areas that are in the scope of ICANN‟s limited technical mission; recommending whether the rules/criteria for what should be done need to be modified; identifying any specific gaps and overlaps with existing organizations that have already related responsibilities; and putting forward recommendations for how they can be addressed.
As the Internet continues to evolve into the global platform for communications, transactions and business, it is critical that the secure, stable and consistent functioning and operations of the DNS remain a top priority for the ICANN community.