Global governance

Business and labour organisations call for renewed multilateralism from G20 countries

  • 11 November 2020

Leaders from 13 international business and labor organisations have sent a strong message to G20 countries: step up global collaboration to tackle global crises.

Business and labour organisations call for renewed multilateralism from G20 countries

Business and labour organisations call for renewed multilateralism from G20 countries

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The letter to G20 governments calls for renewed multilateralism to deliver an inclusive and resilient recovery from the convergence of crises facing our world.

John W.H. Denton AO, ICC Secretary General, signed the statement  alongside leaders from the World Economic Forum, International Trade Union Confederation , UN Global Compact, The B Team, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, IMAGINE, BSR, The Climate Group, Business for Nature, The International Organization of Employers, the We Mean Business Coalition and the Capital Coalition.

The organisations represent a total market cap of over US$25 trillion, around a quarter of the entire global economy, while the ITUC represents over 200 million workers in 163 countries. We recognise that global cooperation can put the world on a path to a sustainable and inclusive recovery. We  have come together around this imperative and to ask G20 governments to:

  1. Spend, but spend smartly.
  2. Tackle inequality through social protection.
  3. Mitigate risks to the global economy by bridging the “stimulus gap” in emerging markets.
  4. Lead the world on climate action.
  5. Reverse nature loss.

The collective call comes ahead of this month’s G20 Finance Ministers’ Meeting and Heads of State Summit. The outcomes of both of these convenings will be critical to determining how to deliver an economic recovery that works for all people and the planet.