Young Arbitration and ADR Forum (YAAF)
Young Arbitrators Forum unites European arbitration talent in Rome
A Regional Conference hosted by the European Chapter of ICC’s Young Arbitrators Forum (YAF) will take place in Rome on 13-14 June 2014.
The 2-day event hosted at NCTM law firm and the Department of Law of the Roma Tre University in Rome, promises young lawyers and in-house counsel working in the field of international arbitration and dispute resolution, a unique and informal opportunity to mix with renowned arbitrators, members of the ICC International Court of Arbitration Secretariat and other fellow arbitration practitioners.
While offering ample networking opportunities with ICC staff and YAF members and peers from across Europe, the conference also guarantees lively debates, interactive roundtable panels and practical discussions featuring some of the best current and rising talent in international arbitration.
“We have put together a programme which will not only broaden participants’ knowledge of arbitration related topics but will also push them to develop further the skills we all need to be successful in an international context,” said ICC YAF Co-chair Hannah Tuempel, Senior Counsel and Manager of the ICC Centre for ADR.
In a workshop led by Australian Mediator and Facilitator Joanna Kalowski, young arbitrators will learn how considering backgrounds and cultures can lead to effective communication in international arbitration, while any participants questioning their chosen career path will not want to miss a keynote speech by Juan Fernandez-Armesto of Armesto & Asociados, Madrid, entitled: “Should I devote my life to international arbitration?”.
Highlights of the second day of the event include a keynote speech by ICC International Court of Arbitration Secretary General Andrea Carlevaris and a debate on finding the best place of arbitration in Europe, featuring young panel members from nine countries.
The event concludes with a private visit to Villa Farnesina in Trastevere and a guided walking tour in Trastevere with wine tasting.
“Rome will certainly replicate Berlin’s success of 2012. It is an ideal venue for hosting the kind of substantive yet relaxed type of programme this gathering is known for,” said Jose Feris, Deputy Secretary General of the ICC Court who is also ICC YAF Co-Chair.
ICC YAF is a forum for young professionals to learn from experienced practitioners about career development and issues of interest in arbitration and to build their own networks. With over 7,000 members worldwide, ICC YAF is the biggest young arbitrator association of its kind. As well as raising awareness among members of ICC dispute resolution services, ICC YAF oversees educational programmes, receptions and social events that take place all over the world throughout the year, co-hosted by participating firms and other organisations.
Learn more about ICC YAF and register to become a member.