What to expect from ICC at this year’s IGF in Berlin
On behalf of business, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) calls upon participants at this year’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to ensure that digital technologies are accessible, affordable and relevant for all.
The 14th annual IGF will take place on 25-29 November at the Estrel Congress Centre in Berlin under the theme: “One World. One Net. One Vision.” As with previous editions, IGF 2019 will gather leaders from business, government, civil society and the technical community, to share constructive dialogues and debates on the future of Internet governance.
From business briefings to high level panels, here’s how ICC will be participating at this year’s IGF:
Make technology work for all campaign
ICC will launch its make technology work for all campaign at this year’s IGF. As part of the ICC Declaration on the Next Century of Global Business, ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO called upon business leaders “to harness the power of digital technologies to reduce barriers in global commerce.” With this vision in mind, ICC believes that digital transformation serves as a major catalyst for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and creating a unified digital ecosystem for all.
Representing business on the main stage
ICC representatives are set to participate on several panels throughout the IGF. Most notably, Secretary General Denton will speak on the High Level Opening Session on Internet Governance and SDGs on 26 November from 17:00-18:00 and ICC Executive Board Member, Maria-Fernanda Garza, will participate in the High Level Opening Session on Internet Governance and SMEs from 17:00-18:00. The session will follow the Forum’s Opening Ceremony, which will be led by United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Mr Denton will also be moderating a breakout session on data rights, as part of the Forum’s High Level Internet Governance Exchange on 25 November from 11:00-12:00. The panel will consider the regulatory requirements for instituting ethical standards for using, sharing and commercialising data.
Workshops and pre-event activities
In anticipation of the IGF, ICC will host a pre-event crash course on emerging technologies with participation from leading industry experts on artificial intelligence, blockchain, 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT) applications and smart cities. The session will provide newcomers and experienced IGF participants with a common understanding on how these emerging technologies are shaping business and our society. After delivering 10-minute presentations, experts will open up the floor for an interactive question and answer session with delegates. This session will take place as part of IGF Day 0 on 25 November from 16:05-18:15 in Room I.
Delegates are also invited to participate in ICC’s workshop on Cross-border data: connecting SMEs in the global supply chain. This workshop will examine how cross-border data flows can bolster the performance of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). From data protection and privacy considerations to data-enabled technologies, this workshop will consider the benefits of data for the global supply chains of SMEs. The workshop will take place as part of IGF Day 1 on 26 November 11:30-13:00 in Room I.
Informing business through daily briefings
In addition, ICC will host a series of daily business briefings to offer a meeting point for participating business delegates to connect and exchange ideas related to Internet governance. Over the years, these informative briefings have allowed business delegates to learn from one another and share insights from discussions that they might not have been able to attend in person. This year, the business briefings will be open to all business delegates and take place on IGF Days 1-4 in Room V at 08:30-09:15.
High level talks and bilateral meetings
In the leadup to this year’s IGF, ICC has organised several high-level bilateral meetings with national delegations and representatives from international organisations. These meetings, occurring on the margins of this year’s IGF, will convene high-level representatives from government, business and the technical community to discuss key legal, social and environmental questions related to Internet governance. From these conversations, business and other stakeholders can ensure that implemented policies pave the way for better Internet governance for citizens everywhere.
If you can’t be in Berlin for the 2019 IGF, don’t forget to follow our activities via our dedicated social media account on Twitter @iccwbo and @ICCnetgov or join the conversation using #IGF2019.