World Chambers Federation

WCF supports business development opportunities in East Africa

  • 27 May 2014

Chambers of commerce from across East Africa and their business members are being offered an opportunity to develop trade and commercial ties at a Global Trade Forum set to take place in Kampala on 18 June.


Supporting the event, ICC World Chambers Federation (WCF) will convene a special roundtable session and hold a meeting of the WCF Executive Committee one day before the Forum. The WCF roundtable will feature chamber leaders from East Africa who will present the challenges and opportunities of their organizations in their respective countries.

“Helping our Africa chamber colleagues benefit from the global network is a key part of the World Chambers Federation’s three-year strategy,” said WCF Chair Peter Mihok. “This event in Kampala is just the first of several actions planned for the region.”

Organized by the Uganda National Chamber of Commerce, the Global Trade Forum will offer a chance for participants to foster institutional connections with their peers from around the world.

As well as an extensive B2B business matching programme, the event will also provide international chamber and business delegates with a platform to engage with high-level decision makers on the region’s wide range of trade and investment opportunities.

A keynote address will be made by Maria Kwanuka, Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, with other speakers including Allen Kagina, Commissioner General, Uganda Revenue Authority (on the East African Community Customs Union); Frank Sebbowa, Executive Director, Uganda Investment Authority; and Richard Sezibera, Secretray General, East African Community (EAC).

Olive Kigongo, President, Uganda National Chamber of Commerce who also serves as Vice-Chair of the East Africa Business Council said that chambers in East Africa have much to benefit from developing their partnerships with chambers worldwide. “The Forum will help create new business opportunities and influence public policies across the EAC business community, improving the business environment and also helping chambers better understand the important value-added services that they provide in achieving economic development in their communities,” she said.