UN Under Secretary General’s letter confirms strong business input into Internet Governance Forum preparations

  • 26 May 2011

ICC and its Business Action to Support the Information Society (BASIS) initiative have welcomed the recent announcement by UN Under Secretary General, Sha Zukang confirming continued strong representation of business in the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) that will steer preparations for the 6th Internet Governance Forum (IGF) – an open forum for policy dialogue on issues of Internet governance.

ICC digital growth
Mr Sha’s letter recognized the proven expertise and balanced representation of Internet stakeholders in the MAG including governments, business, civil society and the Internet technical community. Commending the MAG’s valuable contribution to IGF preparations each year, he said: “The MAG has more than proven its worth and the successful meetings that have been held in Athens, Rio de Janeiro, Hyderabad, Sharm-El-Sheik and Vilnius are [testament] to the work of its members.” The MAG – a special advisory group to the UN Secretary General – is made up of representatives from all Internet interest groups. Business representatives who will continue to serve in the advisory group include:
  • Ayesha Hassan, Senior Policy Manager, E-Business, IT, and Telecoms, Executive in charge of Information and Communication Technologies Policy, ICC, Paris
  • Zahid Usman Jamil, Senior Partner and Barrister-at-Law, Jamil and Jamil, Chairman, Domain Name Dispute Resolution Center, Karachi
  • Waudo Siganga, Chair, Computer Society of Kenya, Nairobi
  • Juan Carlos Solines Moreno, Solines & Asociados Abogados, Partner; Professor of Technology & Law and Telecommunications Law, San Francisco de Quito University, Quito
  • Theresa Swinehart, Executive Director, Global Internet Policy, Verizon. Washington DC
  • Jennifer A. Warren, Vice President, Technology Policy & Regulation, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Alexandria, Virginia
The full list of the MAG can be found at www.intgovforum.org/cms/magabout/406-mag-2010 An open consultation with all interested parties was convened on 18 May in Geneva and an open MAG meeting was held on 19 May to progress preparations for this year’s IGF, which will take place in Nairobi in September. “Business contributions to the MAG ensure that the expertise and experience of the private sector will benefit the discussions.” said Ayesha Hassan, Senior Policy Manager, E-Business, IT and Telecoms Executive in charge of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Policy. “We look forward to an extension of the group’s mandate following the meeting in Nairobi.” We value in particular the event being held in a region essential to the IGF’s ongoing efforts to strengthen developing region participation and engagement in the event.” ICC also expressed support for the chosen theme of the 2011 forum; ‘Internet as a catalyst for change: access, development, freedoms and innovation’.The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) created Business Action to Support the Information Society (BASIS) in 2006. BASIS serves as the voice of global business in the international dialogue that has emerged on how information and communication technologies (ICTs) can better serve as engines of economic growth and social development. The IGF was established to fulfill one of the commitments laid down by the second World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) which took place in Tunis 2005. The inaugural meeting of the IGF took place in Athens, Greece in 2006. As one of the major outcomes of WSIS, the IGF provides a unique opportunity for all stakeholders to discuss issues of crucial importance to the global development of the Internet. For more information on the IGF or details regarding the draft programme and schedule please visit: www.intgovforum.org