UN Secretary-General confirms IGF advisory group members from business
United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon this week confirmed the 47 members of the multistakeholder advisory group who will help prepare a global gathering to discuss issues of critical importance to the Internet. Several ICC/BASIS representatives are among the names selected to lend business expertise to the planning of the UN-linked Internet Governance Forum (IGF) which will take place in Rio de Janeiro in November.
The IGF was set up by the UN Secretary-General to fulfill one of the commitments laid down by the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis 2005. ICC commends the announcement. “The IGF is a unique opportunity to share best practices and experiences, and to exchange views with a multistakeholder community on an equal footing,” said ICC Secretary General, Guy Sebban. “ICC welcomes the opportunity to contribute business experience to the advisory group’s work to ensure that the IGF in Rio builds on the success of the first IGF in Athens in 2006.”
Mr Sebban added: “Building human and institutional capacities to participate in Internet governance issues at the national, regional and international levels, around the world is essential. Business expertise and insights from around the world will make a valuable contribution to the advisory group’s important work.”
Business representatives announced this week include:
Michael D. Gallagher, President of the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), Washington, DC
Patrik Faltsrom, Consulting Engineer, Cisco Systems; Member, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF); Member, Swedish Government IT Policy and Strategy Group
Ayesha Hassan, Senior Policy Manager, E-Business, Information Technology, and Telecoms, Executive in charge of ICT Policy, International Chamber of Commerce, Paris
Peter Hellmonds, Head, Corporate Social Responsibility, Nokia Siemens Networks,Munich
Abdullah Kafi, Managing Director, J A N Associates Limited; former President, Bangladesh Computer Society, Dacca
Masanobu Katoh, Corporate Vice President; President, Law and Intellectual Property Unit and Security Export Control Headquarters, Fujitsu Limited, Tokyo
Nii Quaynor, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Network Computer Systems; President, Internet Society of Ghana, Accra
Charles Sha’ban, Executive Director, Regional Office, Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP) Amman
As one of the major outcomes of WSIS, the IGF was established to discuss issues of crucial importance to the global development of the Internet. An open consultation with all interested parties was convened on 23 May in Geneva and further open consultations are planned for 3 September, with the advisory group meeting on 4 and 5 September. The second IGF will take place in Rio de Janeiro from 12- 15 November 2007.
To continue the work begun by the ICC-led Coordinating Committee of Business Interlocutors (CCBI) – which organized participation by the worldwide business community at WSIS in Geneva (2003) and in Tunis (2005) – ICC set up Business Action to Support the Information Society (BASIS), an initiative to serve as the cross-sectoral voice of global business in the emerging international dialogue on Internet governance issues and the use of information and communication technologies to stimulate economic growth and social development. BASIS provides a focal point for outreach to and involvement of business associations and companies from around the world, from all sectors, and of all sizes.