
The premier educational event of the year: ICC’s International Commercial Mediation Week

  • 21 December 2015

Lauded as the International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) biggest educational event of the year, the International Commercial Mediation Week is the premier international mediation moot.

Dispute Resolution

Run by the ICC International Centre for ADR, the week comprises of two “must attend” events: the International Mediation Roundtable and the International Commercial Mediation Competition. Both are set to run from 4-10 February 2016.

Mediation Week kicks off its 3rd edition of the International Mediation Roundtable on 4 February 2016 with over 120 dispute resolution professionals from around the globe. The one-day conference offers a truly unique forum for international mediators to exchange ideas, experiences and best practices. This provides an effective space for esteemed professionals and scholars to discuss and exercise the most up-to-date developments relevant to the theory and practice of meditation.

After the roundtable, the renowned Mediation Competition will be held the following six days. Having started in 2006 with just 10 teams, the Competition now boasts 66 teams from all around the globe. This year, teams from 33 countries will be coming to Paris with six new countries,  Colombia, Portugal, Georgia, Japan, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and several new universities, such as IESEG School of Management and the University of Oxford – participating for the first time. The diverse event is sure to motivate a new generation of future advocates of meditation for resolution of domestic and international commercial disputes thus championing the future of mediation.

Open to students in business and law, this global platform provides the rare opportunity to put theory into practice.  Moreover, it allows aspiring young professionals the chance to connect with some of the world’s top specialists in mediation. The ability to share ideas and experiences between professionals, scholars and students helps diminish the generational and cultural divides.

This esteemed competition also lends itself to unique sponsorship opportunities for law firms and other organizations looking to create ties with ICC. With over 500 international participants and a highly regarded level of recognition, the Competition is an excellent networking and recruiting opportunity for sponsors. This year’s headlining sponsor, KPMG, has a long history of supporting the event.

KPMG functions as a global network of independent firms offering audit, tax and advisory services to its clients assisting them in mitigating risks and securing opportunities. ICC thanks KPMG for their support for which the event would not be possible without their contribution.

For more information regarding ICC Mediation Week, please browse through our information page.

All ICC Mediation activities can be followed on our social media platforms: ICC Mediation on
Facebook and @ICCMediation on Twitter (#ICCMW for ICC Mediation Week).

Save the date: The ICC International Mediation Competition will take place at ICC Global Headquarters and other locations in Paris from 4-10 February 2016.