Six ways ICC made a difference in 2013
In the activities ICC carries out every day, we help companies meet the challenges and opportunities of an increasingly integrated world economy. These were some of our key activities and achievements in 2013.
1. Influencing global trade and business policy at the G20…
ICC intervened successfully in the G20 process in St Petersburg, Russia. The resulting G20 declaration integrated the most ICC recommendations on trade since the Seoul G20 Summit in 2010, a reflection of ICC’s increasingly influential position as the business interlocutor to the G20.

2. …and at the WTO
This momentum, and a targeted, unrelenting campaign by ICC and our global membership network, contributed to the trade facilitation agreement reached at the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference in Bali, Indonesia in December.

3. Dispute Resolution Services
A New York office was inaugurated to promote and administer ICC arbitrations and other dispute resolution services in North America.
It was “a reaffirmation of our commitment to North America and a very significant development for the worldwide business of the Court,” said John Beechey, President of the International Court of Arbitration.

4. Launch of the Jerusalem Arbitration Centre
A unique collaboration between ICC business leaders in Israel and in the Palestinian territories was launched: the Jerusalem Arbitration Centre (JAC). In a region beset by division and conflict, ICC put in place an arbitration process that will encourage trade and investment.

5. ICC rules and guidelines for business
Over time, ICC has developed a large array of voluntary rules, guidelines, and codes that facilitate cross-border transactions and help spread best practice among companies.
Notable new additions in 2013 include the ICC Uniform Rules for Bank Payment Obligations, Forfaiting rules, the revised International Standard Banking Practice and the ICC Ethics and Compliance Training Handbook. Discover them on our ICC Knowledge 2 GO.

6. World Chambers Congress
Held for the first time in the Middle East, the 8th World Chambers Congress brought chambers of commerce from around the world to Doha, Qatar, to share, learn and build new networks. Topics included education and business, leadership and CEO succession, membership engagement and growth, the environment and certificates of origin. The World Trade Agenda summit preceded the Congress.

And in 2014?
ICC’s plans for 2014 build strategically upon our achievements in 2013, as we continue our work on behalf of companies to facilitate trade and investment worldwide.