World Chambers Federation
Recipients of Oslo Business for Peace Award announced
ICC and the Business for Peace Foundation have announced the five recipients of the 2013 Oslo Business for Peace Award, the highest form of recognition given to business professionals for efforts to foster peace and stability.

World Chambers Federation Chairman Peter Mihok announced the five honourees during a plenary session on small business taking place on Day 3 of the 8th World Chambers Congress taking place in Doha this week from 22-25 April. The honourees were selected by an independent committee comprising Nobel Prize winners in peace and economics.
The 2013 honourees are:
Nadia Al-Sakkaf – Editor-in-Chief of the Yemen Times (Yemen)
Dean Cycon – Founder and CEO of Dean’s Beans Organic Coffee Company (USA)
Margaret Mussoi L. Groff – Chief Financial Officer of ITAIPU, the world’s largest power station. (Brazil)
Connie Hasemann – CEO and owner of Telehandelshuset (Denmark)
Arif Naqvi – Founder and Group Chief Executive of The Abraaj Group (Pakistan)
They will be celebrated on 14 May at Oslo City Hall, as the highlight of the Business for Peace Summit.
“The recipients of the Oslo Business for Peace Award are exemplary leaders who make significant efforts in responsible business conduct,” said ICC Secretary General Jean-Guy Carrier. “Since it was founded in 1919, ICC has believed in this potential of the private sector to contribute to world peace, which is why we continue to support the advancement of the Oslo Business for Peace Award.”
The Business for Peace Foundation was established in 2007, to identify and recognize businesspeople who ethically and responsibly show the way in creating economic value that also creates value for society.
“The award is presented to influential business leaders who through their achievements have demonstrated the benefits of a constructive relationship between business and society,” said Per Leif Saxegaard, Chairman of the Business for Peace Foundation. “We believe this is crucial in fostering conditions that lead to peace and stability instead of conflict.”
Supporting partners of the Business for Peace Foundation, which is headquartered in Oslo, are the City of Oslo, ICC, the United Nations Development Programme, and the Oslo Chamber of Commerce, among others.
View profiles of the Business for Peace Award honourees