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Participants commend ICC training on international sale contract

  • 23 October 2013

Speaking after attending ICC’s recent Model International Sale Contract 2013 training, one participant, working for an international company, said: “Drafting and negotiating English-law governed contracts for small transactions could take about a week. The ICC model contract offers a quicker alternative for small, international purchases of goods. The use of the International Convention on the Sale of Goods as the legal basis for such contracts eliminates the need to negotiate applicable law and could save time and effort in the negotiation process between the parties.”

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Learning how to use the ICC model sale contract can save time and effort in the negotiation process
Learning how to use the ICC model sale contract can save time and effort in the negotiation process

Other participants of the ICC training course agreed saying that they too found it very useful to have a model contract which can be adapted to any international commercial deal.

“Any company in any country can use the ICC model contract, and after attending this course, I will definitely recommend that others in my company use it,” said Abumelha Saeed, a contracting adviser at Saudi Arabian company Aecom.

Participants also concurred that the one-day course was quick, practical – with interactive sessions applicable to real life scenarios – and very well organized. “I will recommend the training to my colleagues,” said Bodunrin Adewole, principal partner at Nigerian Legal Direct Solicitors & Advocates.

Participants also received first-hand advice from two authors of the ICC Model International Sale Contract: Christoph Martin Radtke and Koen Vanheusden. Emily O’ Connor, Senior Policy Manager of the ICC Commission on Commercial Law and Practice and editor of Incoterms® 2010, also gave insight as a training course speaker.

Concluding the training, author Koen Vanheusden recommended two ICC publications: ICC Guide to Export-Import and Incoterms® 2010 Q&A. “These books make the international rules and the Incoterms® 2010 understandable for businesspeople,” he said.

Save the date for the next session of the International Model Sale Contract training which will take place in Paris on 7 March 2014.

To register visit ICC Events & Trainings

Get your copy of the ICC Model International Sale Contract the ICC Model International Sale Contract  and INCOTERMS® 2010 Q&A  from ICC Knowledge 2 GO.