Chamber services
New release from the ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin
The statistical report includes detailed information on the origins of parties and arbitrators, places of arbitration and applicable law. It again confirms the truly global nature of ICC dispute resolution services, whose scope extends not only geographically to all parts of the world, but also to a very wide spectrum of disputes.
The M&A feature includes extensive extracts from 16 ICC awards. They cover some of the most common and challenging issues that arise in such disputes, including regulatory authorization and approval as a condition precedent to an M&A transaction, price determination and equity valuation, and breaches of representations and warranties. There is also an accompanying commentary by Andrea Carlevaris, Secretary General of the International Court of Arbitration, on these and other ICC M&A awards, as well as an article specifically on representations and warranties by Beata Gessel-Kalinowska vel Kalisz.
This issue of the Bulletin, back issues, supplements and many other ICC publications on arbitration are available online in the ICC Dispute Resolution Library