Trade & investment

New ICC conference looks at frameworks for cross-border business contracts today

  • 8 March 2012

ICC is organizing its first-ever conference on Cross Border Sales, under the auspices of the ICC Commission on Commercial Law and Practice (CLP), with the theme “What is the best legal framework for business-to-business contracts?” on 19 April 2012 in London.

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“The conference emphasizes the importance of sales contracts in international business today, and choosing the best applicable law in which any contract is to be framed,” said Fabio Bortolotti, Head of the CLP Commission and Chair of the new Cross Border Sales conference.

“Parties need to have the right information in order to make the best choice of the various alternatives they’re presented with. We’re providing that he added.

The conference will examine a proposed Common European Sales Law, as recently proposed by the European Commission, and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna Sales Convention), a law applicable to cross- border sales in a majority of countries.

“The EU Commission has made a proposal for a regulation on the Common European Sales Law, which we think businesses need to be aware of,” said Camilla Pagnetti, Policy Manager for the Commission on Commercial Law and Practice. “The conference aims to help people see the issues such a proposal involves, and both learn and benefit from them.”

Members of the ICC task force that has been revising the ICC Model International Sales Contract will also take the opportunity to discuss their approach and present issues that have been the subject of relevant discussion.

The one-day conference ends with a final session on dispute resolution and the benefits of choosing the right solution.
Legal directors and corporate company counsel involved in international trade, practising lawyers, legal practitioners advising international trading companies, business people involved in international trade and dispute resolution, government officials and academics are all invited to attend.

View the Cross Border Sales programme and full list of the 13 panellists, including officials from international governmental institutions, business leaders and high-level academics.

For any other information, please contact:
Katharine Bernet
Project Coordinator, ICC Training & Conferences