World Chambers Congress
Mexico City wins close contest to host 7th World Chambers Congress
Following several weeks of intense deliberation, the ICC World Chambers Federation General Council meeting, held in Beijing today, announced that the 7th World Chamber Congress will take place in Mexico City in 2011.

Mexico City’s Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism narrowly beat out the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce / American Chamber of Commerce Executive’s bid for the Congress.
“The selection of who will host the 2011 WCF Congress has been a very close and difficult decision for the selection committee.Both chambers demonstrated equal strength in aspects of organization, venue, government support, accommodation, accessibility and infrastructure. This is why choosing between them has not been an easy task,” said Rona Yircali, World Chambers Federation Chair.
Many members of the Congress Selection Committee expressed their congratulations to Los Angeles and Mexico on the outstanding dossiers presented to help them undertake their task.
The World Chambers Congress is the only international forum for chamber executives worldwide to share best-practice experience, develop networks and learn about new areas of innovation from other chambers as they face the challenge of remaining relevant to companies in their region.
“It is going to be a great honour to host the Congress in 2011,” said Lorenzo Ysasi, Chairman of the Board of the Mexico City Chamber of Commerce. “Our candidacy represented 20 Latin American countries, and will further the integration of this region into the World Chambers Federation”.
Mexico represents the 12th largest economy and the 7th largest exporting power in the world, mainly of raw materials and manufacturing. Mr Ysasi added that delegates attending the Congress will have an opportunity to meet and discuss business opportunities especially with companies in Mexicos leading sectors including oil, agriculture, service industries, trade and the fishing industry.
The 5th Congress in Istanbul in 2007 attracted a record number of 1,600 chamber of commerce executives and business leaders from 118 countries.
The 6th Congress will be held in Kuala Lumpur 3-5 June 2009. Under the theme “Leading sustainable growth and change,” the Congress will address the major challenges facing businesses today. Plenary sessions will cover issues at the top of chambers’ agendas including the food, water and energy crisis; the economic implications of climate change as well as other global challenges affecting business communities.
Bids have already been received for the 2013 and 2015 Congresses which will be held in Africa/Middle East and Europe.