Trade & investment

Mandarin and Arabic versions of ICC anti-corruption tool now available

  • 22 September 2011

As China announces a move to establish a national online database of convicted bribers, ICC has released a Mandarin translation of its Resisting Extortion and Solicitation in International Transactions (RESIST) training tool that will support private sector efforts in the country to withstand bribe solicitation.

Combatting corruption

The toolkit – already available in English, French and Spanish – is also being made available this week in Arabic, providing accessible and concrete global solutions to back the international fight against corruption.

RESIST is an ICC joint initiative developed in collaboration with Transparency International, the UN Global Compact and the World Economic Forum Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI). It directly addresses concerns raised by the G20 in its Seoul anti-corruption plan, which calls for a strong private sector involvement in fighting corruption. The translations come as a timely addition to ICC anti-corruption efforts ahead of this year’s G20 gathering in Cannes, France in November.

“Corruption is a serious threat to the global economy and the multilateral trading system,” said Francois Vincke, Vice-Chair of the ICC Corporate Responsibility and Anti-corruption Commission. “The Mandarin and Arabic translations of RESIST are a great step towards enabling more businesses to respond to calls from world leaders for improved private sector involvement in fighting corruption.”

Based on real-life scenarios, RESIST provides practical guidance for company employees on how to prevent and/or respond to an inappropriate demand by a client, business partner or public authority in the most efficient and ethical way. Each of the 22 scenarios addresses two basic questions: How can the enterprise prevent the demand from being made in the first place, and how should the enterprise react if the demand is made?

RESIST also serves as a real-life training toolkit for the purpose of implementing a robust compliance programme – in particular in light of the OECD recommendation of 2009 on good practices and the UK Anti-bribery Act that came into force on 1 July 2011.