
Institute of World Business Law begins annual international contract training programme

  • 21 May 2012

ICC Institute of World Business Law will hold its annual four-day training programme on international contracts, entitled “International Contracts: Negotiating and drafting key clauses, dispute resolution, different cultural and legal approaches”, from 11-14 June in Paris.

DOCDEX expert

“Negotiating and drafting an international contract that maintains a relationship between parties over the long term demands a unique set of skills and techniques, as does helping parties avoid or resolve contract disputes in an international context,” said Emmanuel Vuillard, Group Deputy General Counsel for Alstom, France, and Chairman for this year’s training.

“This seminar studies both the theoretical and practical aspects of negotiating and drafting international contracts, along with different kinds of conflict resolution, through training from leading experts then application through a mock case,” he added.

“It is an opportunity to learn how to best manage the issues that arise in international contracts, through experienced international practitioners in an international setting.”

To ensure an interactive discussion and small working groups for the study of the mock case, the training is limited to approximately 50 participants.

Social programmes will be offered through the four days to enhance ties among participants, traditionally representative of some 20 countries.

The conference will also address such topical issues as practising international contracts in China and an introduction to Incoterms®2010 rules.

Legal directors, corporate counsel, lawyers and other legal professionals, as well as business people involved in international trade and dispute resolution, will benefit from the training.

The training will be held in French and English, with simultaneous translation and counts toward continuing legal education.