
II International Legal Forum ICC Lex Mercatoria in Minsk

  • 22 November 2013

The II International Legal Forum ICC Lex Mercatoria, organized among others, by the International Court of Arbitration® of the International Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Republic of Belarus, ICC Russia and the Law Faculty of Belarus State University will be held on 29 November 2013, in Minsk, Belarus.

International Chamber of Commerce

Leading professionals from CIS countries will discuss the most topical issues of international commercial arbitration.
The International Court of Arbitration will be represented by its Vice President Vladimir Khvalei (Russian Federation) and Darya Shirokova Rigaud, Deputy Counsel in the team of the Court’s Secretariat dealing mostly with Eastern Europe and CIS.
The II International Legal Forum ICC Lex Mercatoria will be followed by an International Trade Law and International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court with participation of the teams from the leading universities in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia and other countries.

The programme in Russian is available on the websites of the Russian Arbitration Association and of the Belarusian State University.