ICC/FIDIC to hold conference on international construction dispute resolution
This year’s ICC/FIDIC (International Federation of Consulting Engineers) conference on resolving disputes in international construction deals will be held in Paris on 25-26 June 2013.
The first day will offer a presentation and analysis of FIDIC contracts, including their growing use worldwide, and the development and challenges of dispute boards. The second day will focus on ICC arbitration on construction matters.
“Each year, ICC and FIDIC bring together world-renowned engineers, construction arbitration specialists and leading company lawyers so that participants can have a comprehensive insight into how both institutions respond to the needs of the international construction industry,” said François Baillon, FIDIC Commercial Director, Geneva. “This year is no exception.”
Some highlights of the 2013 conference include:
- Presentation and analysis of the
major forms of FIDIC contracts - Claims and disputes under FIDIC
contracts - Functioning and challenges of dispute
boards - Multi-party and multi-contract
issues in construction arbitration, with a focus on subcontracting - Particularities of construction
arbitration involving state parties
“This year’s conference will also provide a unique chance to discover the new ICC 2012 provisions on the emergency arbitrator and how to use them in construction disputes,” said Andrea Carlevaris, Secretary General of the ICC International Court of Arbitration and Director of the ICC Dispute Resolution Services, Paris.
The conference will close with an evaluation on the calculation of damages in international construction arbitration and how cultural differences under both common and civil law can affect them.
Amy and all practitioners involved in international construction contracts and disputes are invited to attend, including engineers, contractors, in-house lawyers from construction companies and construction lawyers, arbitrators and mediators, experts, contract managers and members of financial institutions.
For more information visit the ICC/FIDIC International Construction Contracts and the Resolution of Disputes Conference
A pre-conference workshop providing in-depth explication of the specificities and purposes of FIDIC contracts will be offered on 24 June. For more information, please contact Ms Eivor Chollet at echollet@fidic.org